Survivor: The Amazon Spoilers
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Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7
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Try these:
Survivor Phoenix
Acme Brain Trust

Other crappy things the True Dork Times offers to slake your Survivor: The Amazon thirst

Survivor cast info, boot odds. Try S3, S4, S5, S6.

All the crap that happened in S4, S5, S6.
Survivor humor
Note: Your mileage may vary. S2, S3 or S4.

View our smattering of info here. S3, S4, S5, S6.

Episode recaps
To help dredge up the pain. S3, S4, S5, S6.

Click here to see this week's leaders.

Episode 6
"More Than 'Meats' the Eye"

Filmed Nov. 19-21, 2002
Airs Wed., March 19, 2003

Click below for:
RC speculation
IC speculation
Boot predictions
Video resources
Ep6 promo vidcaps
CBS Ep6 web promo
CBS Ep5 videos:
's final words,
, Switch, 4, 5, IC.
Episode descriptions
CBS: Shocked by Jeanne's departure, Christy seeks answers from the tribe as to why they spared her.
Alex and Shawna's budding relationship grows to new levels, but Matthew's interest in her develops as well, as he makes a play for Shawna's affection.
Dave's strategy takes a tailspin when he learns Butch & Roger have their own ideas about who should stay and who should go.
One Survivor's performance at a Reward Challenge has an enormous impact on a tribemate, who calls it the "defining moment" of their life. 
Episode 6 preview vidcaps:
Click on a thumbnail to view larger picture.
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Second Ep6 web promo

Subset of this aired on TV, 3/15. TV caps replace web caps where possible.
Uploaded: 3/14/03


Voiceover: "CBS Wednesday... Survivor is on a special night."
(Matthew rolls Roger off a log).
"The men and women are now living together."
Rob: "I just took a bath with a swimsuit model."
Voiceover: "New tribes."
Heidi: "This is a strong team."
Voiceover: "Shattered alliances."
Matthew: "My head is on the chopping block."
Voiceover: "And a love triangle that will leave you speechless."
Alex: "Sweet!"


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Ep6 web promo
Uploaded: 3/14/03


Voiceover: "CBS Wednesday... Survivor is on a special night. What began as battle between men and women..."
Heidi: "Women are really kicking the men's butts."
Voiceover: " now a fight between all-new tribes."
Deena: "I went from the top to the bottom."
Voiceover: "Now that the sexes are living together..."
Dave: "I don't really trust anybody."
Voiceover: "...unexpected alliances are forming."
Alex: "My vote is going your way."
Rob: "The guy is a complete idiot."
Voiceover: "And it's a whole new game."
: "Somebody is going home."


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Post-Ep5 TV preview
Aired: 3/13/03


Probst (voiceover) : "Next time on... Survivor: Tambaqui shares a tender moment..."
Butch: "That smile on Christy's face was a moment... I'll never forget that as long as I live."
Probst: "And at Jaburu, Shawna's recovery was sparked by Alex."
Shawna: "I definitely want to get to know him better, like he is an incredible person."
Alex: "At Jaburu, is there romance in the air? Maybe."


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