Survivor: The Amazon Spoilers
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Survivor humor
Note: Your mileage may vary. S2, S3 or S4.

View our smattering of info here. S3, S4, S5, S6.

Episode recaps
To help dredge up the pain. S3, S4, S5, S6.

Click here to see this week's leaders.

Episode 3
"Girl Power"

Filmed Nov. 10-12, 2002
Airs February 27, 2003

Click below for:
RC speculation
IC speculation
Boot predictions
Video resources
Ep3 promo vidcaps
CBS Ep3 web promo
CBS Ep2 videos:
Janet's final words,
, 3, 4, IC, 6.
Episode descriptions
CBS: When the women's tribe decides they need a leader, Deena is elected, but some hope she will destroy herself.
The RC becomes an opportunity for the male and female tribes to interact, leading the men to speculate about which women they may have a chance with.
Conflicts between the young and old leave one Survivor caught in the middle with a
critical decision on his hands.
REWARD CHALLENGE/ Flirting, Mixer Q&A - Tambaqui wins?

The CBS promos are playing up the "Mixer" aspect to this challenge (which the CBS site says is the RC. The author of this Knoxville News article describes it as an IC, however: "For one immunity challenge, the men and women asked each other questions. And that led to flirting. Men would compliment women on their bikinis, and they would thank them for the compliments. 'I became (game show host) Jim Lange for a moment, and it was The Dating Game,'Probst said. 'At the next tribal council, I would ask, "What do you think of this guy?" The women would say, "This guy is cute." The guys would disagree over who the hottest chick was.'" Since this does not appear to be the IC after all, no conclusions can be drawn about who wins the challenge. On the other hand, we see the men and women marching to the challenge in the MTV preview. We see the tribes separated boy-girl-boy-girl during the challenge. So when do Alex, Rob, Dave and Matthew all gather together smiling, as in the cap below? Are they just pleased with all the flirting they got to do in the process of losing the challenge? Or did they actually win one, despite the stifling "girl power" surrounding them? We'll go with that.

Heidi, Deena, Jenna, Jeanne, Shawna, Christy and JoAnna going to the challenge.

At the challenge. Lotsa boxes, lotsa flirting. Lotsa Rob covering his mouth.

The guys are all smiles, at some point circa the challenge. Could they have won?
IMMUNITY CHALLENGE/ Speculation - Jaburu wins?

The challenge below (the infamous "where's Ryan?" huddle) would appear to be the last challenge unaccounted for from pre-game caps. The CBS web site states the mixer is the RC, so "Where's Ryan" must be the IC. Hopefully CBS will get around to showing actual challenge images this week. Or not.

As for who wins, since Probst himself talks about interrogating the women on who the hot guys are "at the next tribal council," chances are that Jaburu loses its second straight IC here. True, he could just have been talking about the next time Jaburu attends TC, in some future episode. But if that were the case, they would have two-plus full episode's worth of drama at Jaburu camp to talk about, and it seems unlikely they'd be able to cram this sort of fluff into their discussion. So again, most likely, Jaburu loses the IC. (Whatever it is).

On the other hand, a recent post by "FilmMkr" at SurvivorSucks' Spec board suggests that Daniel's mother thinks she will be able to talk to the press after this episode airs, suggesting Daniel might get the boot. In which case Tambaqui would have to lose this one. Hmm, tough call. We'll go with Jaburu winning.

This now appears to be from Ep3. Jenna present on the left.

The pre-challenge cheer breaks. Believe in the million! Presumably IC if mixer is RC.
BOOT/ Daniel
Not much solid either way. Good cases could be made for Daniel or JoAnna. In the absence of further info, we'll go with Daniel.

If the men attend tribal council this week, Daniel is the leading candidate for a boot. Suggestions were made in Ep2 that Rob might try to get Alex to vote against Roger at the next opportunity, suggesting that will not actually come about (or if he does, Rob will then vote with Roger's alliance, screwing Alex over). Either way, Roger will be set up as the easy coup target, only for Daniel to get the boot in the end. Ryan and Janet both spoke fondly of Daniel in their post-boot interviews, suggesting they had a chance to bond at Loser Lodge.

Going back to the ChillOne's info, he states rather specifically that JoAnna is the first woman to go, and that she does so in this episode. While the specific details there are clearly inaccurate, it's still quite feasible she goes around here. She was set up for the boot (and somehow avoided a single vote) in Ep2, with her late-night sermonizing against the Immunity Idol, and her confrontational hand-waving against Christy. So she could go this week.

Christy made herself a target in Ep2, by calling her entire tribe lazy right before tribal council. She has no visible alliance (except a weak one with Jeanne, and a now-defunct one with Janet). As such, she might be an easy target. Still, reports suggest she made it to a tribe that contained men, so perhaps it's a bit early for Christy to go.

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