Filmed Dec. 4-6,
Airs May 1, 2003
below for: |
speculation |
speculation |
predictions |
Matthew makes an incredible sacrifice so that others can be given
the opportunity of a lifetime. But the newfound respect Matthew
enjoys makes Rob rethink his new alliance. |
stung by Rob's betrayal of the alliance, an enraged Jenna tells
the entire tribe about Rob's secret plans, revealing his strategies
to everyone. Will Jenna's revelations turn the tribe against Rob?
ostracized and betrayed, Jenna and Heidi refuse to help out around
camp. Will this put the final nails in their coffins? |
CHALLENGE/ Family visit - Matthew wins |
New caps
give much more insight into this challenge, effectively ruling
out several people as potential winners (at least Butch ad Heidi).
The very start appears to be a race to dig paddles out of the
sand. Butch and Matt seem to be fumbling over the same one, and
Rob is shown waving one around, possibly having retrieved his
first. Rob is later shown paddling in a one-person canoe. So in
all the caps, Rob seems to be in the lead. Butch is shown standing
on the riverbank, standing up, then flinging his arms up in defeat,
with Heidi next to him. Heidi is shown crying, in about the same
spot. But Matthew is shown in his strongman pose (which he has
made when winning other challenges), most importantly, clutching
a glass of wine/champagne. This is the type of physical challenge
at which Matt should dominate, so it's curious that Rob seems
to be doing fairly well.
About the only thing Matthew could logically sacrifice in this
episode (apart from another pair of shoes), "so that others
can be given the opportunity of a lifetime" is the chance
for the family visit. This suggests that, after winning, he might
allow others a chance at the prize. Since the title of the episode
is "Sour Grapes," this would seem to argue against Jenna
or Heidi being the beneficiaries of such a gesture, since the
title describes their attitude towards the Coke they didn't win.
So who does get to go, then? Hard to say. One possibility is Christy,
who missed out on the food in the last episode: Despite Probst's
claim that the RC occurs after Rob and Jenna's argument, they
are clearly fighting on Day 32 (the second day of the episode).
The clothes Rob and Jenna wear in the RC are shown drying behind
them (suggesting it's afterwards, since Rob's shirt looks wet
when he's in the canoe). The reward appears to involve a getaway
with a loved one, to what looks like a similar site to the coffee
bar, except at night. So the Rob-Jenna argument, which either
occurs the day after the RC, or later in the same day as the RC,
could well take place while the RC winner is away from camp. Butch
and Heidi are watching what's going on, but there is no sign of
Christy or Matthew. Or, this could simply be after everyone gets
Reward challenge pictures:
Click thumbnails above for larger pictures. Pictures below
are actual size, but feel free to click if you feel it's necessary. |

Jenna moves on from using sex as a weapon to... well, you
get the picture. |

Sour grapes? I got your fermented grapes right here! |

Back at camp on Day 32: Rob's green shirt and Jenna's "Rush
Zetas" one drying behind her. |
CHALLENGE/ Slingshots breaking plates - Heidi wins |
This one has
been seen many times before. But breaking plates is an effective
way to trip up the powerful, so here it is again. People who do
best in this game are those who combine skill with an ability not
to be targeted. So Jenna and Rob are likely right out, considering
the amount of friction each is causing in this episode. And we see
Rob's plate being smashed, along with Rob appearing to be standing
off to the side.
If it's like the exact same challenge in S2, everyone gets to shoot
at once, until their plates are smashed. We see, probably near the
start (no plate shards visible), Jenna, Matthew and Butch taking
aim at the plates. So it's at least three at once. If everyone does
get to shoot, this would suggest the shots with two rows of people
visible (Jenna in front of Matt and Butch, Christy in front of Jenna
and Rob) might show people already eliminated. If so, Butch and
Matt would appear to get smashed first, followed by Jenna and Rob.
And if Christy is grimacing in her showdown with the unseen Heidi,
perhaps that means Heidi wins. It's the simplest explanation,
Immunity challenge pictures:
Click thumbnails above for larger pictures. Pictures below
are actual size, but feel free to click if you feel it's necessary. |

Jenna, Matt and Butch take aim at Probst. Or the plates. One
of the two. |

"Oh, that's okay, winning probably would have sucked,
anyway. At least I beat Team Crazy." |

Could be pre-challenge, but Rob does not seem to be waiting
his turn here (nobody else visible). |
Heidi |
to Milkshaky, this is Heidi's boot night. A popular theory,
voiced on just about every board (see "Ep11 Boot and TC spec"
thread at Survivor Phoenix, for example), is the possibility that
Heidi could win immunity, and that the "big surprise"
here is that she hands the necklace off to Jenna at Tribal Council.
This would certainly fit with the teasers. Something has to keep
Jenna in the game until the final two, so this is as good a theory
as any for this episode.
Unfortunately, it should be neatly wrapped up there, but there is
the possibility that a miscalculation of Heidi's boot date occurred,
due to the later insertion of a recap episode into the schedule.
Interestingly, Snewser
is being extra-cryptic this week, which may be meaningful. If Matt,
Butch and Christy don't think they can trust Rob, there's
really no downside to booting him ahead of Jenna and Heidi, since
they can probably rely on those two to vote against the Mastermind.
And Alex did annoint Rob as the "best player" in several
of his interviews, which is often the kiss of death. Hmmm. Either
way, one goes this week, the other next week.
But for now, we'll go with Heidi. |