Survivor: The Amazon Spoilers
Pre-show info Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3
Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7
Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11
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Survivor Phoenix
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Other crappy things the True Dork Times offers to slake your Survivor: The Amazon thirst

Survivor cast info, boot odds. Try S3, S4, S5, S6.

All the crap that happened in S4, S5, S6.
Survivor humor
Note: Your mileage may vary. S2, S3 or S4.

View our smattering of info here. S3, S4, S5, S6.

Episode recaps
To help dredge up the pain. S3, S4, S5, S6.

Click here to see this week's leaders.

Episode 1
"Boys vs. Girls"

Filmed Nov. 3-5, 2002.
Airs February 13, 2003.

CBS Ep1 web promo

Click below for:
IC speculation
Boot predictions
Vidcap resources
Early Show 1/13 (42 pics)
Extra 1/13 (13 pics)
E! News 1/13 (17 pics)
MTV challenges 2/6 (28 pics)
MTV camp shots 2/6 (55 pics)
Mor vidcap resources
Web promo caps (16 pics)
TV ads 1/19-20 (26 pics)
Cast ads 1/19-2/6 (59 pics)
Episode descriptions
TV Guide: "Burnett says it heightened the sexual tension during challenges and reduced inhibitions at camp. 'This series brings more sexy moments than ever in the past.'"
Cast TV ad vidcaps: Click on a thumbnail to view larger picture. Hand-selected for maximum degree of flattery!

Ad 1
Roger and Jenna (speaking),
plus IC footage
Aired: 1/19/03

Voiceover: "An all-new Survivor adventure is about to begin in the Amazon. And this time, it's the battle of the sexes."
Probst: "One tribe men, one tribe women."
Roger: "If we lose to these women, we are going to get ragged on, big time."
Voiceover: "Don't miss the 90-minute premiere."
Jenna: "I just want to beat them to just, kind of like, shut them up."

Ad 2
Alex and Jenna

Voiceover: "Who will survive? Alex, project manager..."
Alex: "Stupid people just annoy me."
Voiceover: "Or Jenna, swimsuit model?"
Jenna: "I'm willing to get naked... if it's all in good fun."
Alex: "Awww, dude!"


Ad 3
Roger, Shawna and Daniel

Voiceover: "Who will survive? Roger..."
Roger: "I'm a wise old man and I'm a deceptive old man."
Voiceover: "Shawna..."
Shawna: "I love competing against guys."
Voiceover: "Or Daniel?"
Daniel: "How do I feel about competing against women? There's no competition."
Roger: "They're all a bunch of wimps!"
Shawna: "Oh, bring it on!"

Ad 4
Heidi and Rob

Voiceover: "Who will survive? Heidi..."
Heidi: "Survivor is my life."
Voiceover: "Or Rob?"
Rob: "What shenanigans and mischief can I think up to get these 15 other jerks off the island?"
Heidi: "Oh." (eyeroll)


Ad 5
Alex and Jenna (again)

Voiceover: "Who will survive? Alex, triathlete trainer..."
Alex: "Stupid people just annoy me to no end."
Voiceover: "Or Jenna, swimsuit model?"
Jenna: "I'm willing to get naked... if it's all in good fun."
Alex: (clenching teeth) "Awww, dude, no! That could make me insane!"


Ad 6
Butch and Janet

Waiting for vidcaps. See Milkshaky's at EZ.


Ad 7
Full cast, with Roger, Shawna, Daniel and Jenna speaking.

Largely recycled footage, some new images at right. TC walk?


Voiceover: "An all-new Survivor adventure is about to begin in the Amazon, and this time it's a Battle of the Sexes."
Probst: "One tribe men, one tribe women."
Roger: "If we lose to these women, we are going to get ragged on, big time."
Voiceover: "It's beauty versus brawn."
Shawna: "I love competing against guys."
Daniel: "There's no competition."
Voiceover: "Who will prevail?"
Probst (at first IC): "The guys are having a hard time." (Spliced in): "Ladies, what are you doin'?"
Jenna: "I just want to beat them to just, kind of like, shut them up."
Probst: "Don't miss the 90-minute premiere."


Ad 8

Voiceover: "Imagine being on Survivor, competing for a million bucks."
Probst (presumably at IC start): "Go!"
Voiceover: "Imagine doing it and being deaf."

Christy: "It's gonna impact playing this game."
Voiceover: "But reading lips can be a huge advantage, so the others better watch what they say."

(Note that Christy and Jenna are high-fiving each other in their first IC clothes - more evidence for a Jaburu win?)


Ad 9
Full cast, with Jeanne, Roger, Shawna and Jenna speaking.

Many new images of Ep1 IC (re-ordered to put in rough challenge stage order).


Voiceover: "Survivor competition has always been intense.... But wait'll you see what goes on in the Amazon."
Probst: "Go!"
Voiceover: "This time it's the men versus the women."
Jeanne: "I've competed against men my whole life, and I've always won."
Voiceover: "The female tribe is playing for women everywhere."
Roger: "They may have the will, but they don't have the strength!"
Voiceover: "And the men..."
Probst (at IC): "The guys are having a hard time..."
Voiceover: "Pray they won't be embarrassed." (Rob falls on balance log).
Roger: "We are the most macho guys."
Shawna: "Oh, bring it on!"
Voiceover: "Who will be the ultimate Survivor?"
Jenna: "I'm ready to kick some butt!"
Voiceover: "Survivor: The Amazon. 90-minute premiere... (blah blah)."


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