Filmed: June 22-23, 2023 | Aired:
May 8, 2024
- Ep.11 idol: It's another group idol hunt. This time, Venus finds it completely undetected, goes back and pretends to keep looking. She now has a fully powered idol.
- Ep.11 RC/IC: "Scramble On" - Surprisingly, everyone gets to the first checkpoint on the final stage, but eventually, Maria wins.
- Ep.11 reward: Maria picks Ben and ... wait for it ... Q to go with her and eat gluten-free pizza.
- Ep.11 Tribal: Another Tribal with no idols played, and therefore Venus is out, 5-1-1 over Q and Kenzie.
Episode 11 scoring notes
- The IC scoring: Obviously, since anyone can drop at any time (see Venus), no progress except balls placed can be measured or assumed, so everyone not named Maria tied for second.
Vote count:
- Venus received 5 votes, from Charlie, Kenzie, Liz, Maria, and Q (voted out,5-1-1).
- Q received 1 vote, from Venus.
- Kenzie received 1 vote, from Ben.