Filmed: April 28-29, 2023 | Aired:
November 1, 2023
- Ep.6 "beware" idol: Bruce spends several minutes finding and opening a clue, then digging up a fully powered idol that requires no vote sacrifices for a full lifespan.
- Ep.6 merge-atory: Three old tribes, one beach (Reba's), no buffs - same as always in the new era.
- Ep.6 RC/IC: "Super Ramp" - The rock draw produces a massive mismatch, Katurah picks the obviously superior tribe, and seven people get buffs and food, exactly as expected.
- Ep.6 SitD: UN-expectedly, Kaleb's Shot in the Dark actually works, voiding all 11 votes against him (Austin had to sacrifice his vote to make his idol level up to be equal to Bruce's).
- Ep.6 revote: Unlucky J. is out (10-1) after all the official votes are voided by Kaleb's Shot. (Technically, no VFB or VAP for anyone.)
Episode 6 scoring notes
- Voided first-round votes: As with the deadlocked, idol-voided tie in Cambodia at Final 6, we can't count any votes here officially, because Kaleb voided them all with the Shot in the Dark. Revote votes are never counted for VFB/VAP purposes. If even one random person, like Sifu, had thrown a sneaky vote at J. in the first round, she would have been out, 1-[0]. Each person had the option to vote correctly, they chose not to.
- *No votes: Because they didn't even cast a vote, Austin did not receive TCA credit here. Everyone present (including them) saw 11 TotV.
- Update (11/5/23): Sigh ... but in past Shot in the Dark plays, that counted as a TCA. So Kaleb gets 1 TCA, which changes his score quite a bit. (You could also argue that Austin should, since he *chose* to sacrifice his vote, which was the reasoning initially for charging SITD players with a TCA.)
Vote count:
- [Kaleb received 11 votes, from Bruce, Dee, Drew, Emily, J., Jake, Julie, Katurah, Kellie, Kendra, and Sifu, all voided by his Shot in the Dark play.]
- J. received 10 votes, from Bruce, Dee, Drew, Emily, Jake, Julie, Katurah, Kellie, Kendra, and Sifu (voted out, 0* [10-1 on revote])
- Emily received 1 vote, from J.