rebounds as flag-making industry soars
Major economic indicators point to spectacular economic growth in the
last month, as consumers and stock market investors alike have banded
together to build a booming "New New Economy" in the United States,
based solely on the manufacture and purchase of American flags, and,
to a lesser extent, red-white-and-blue ribbons. Wall Street analysts
agree, "There's no way this could ever get old the way the tech sector
Click here for the full story.
recruiting allies for 'a new war' on English language
Buoyed by stratospheric approval ratings and a general patriotic fervor
leading American citizens to favor any and all military action, U.S.
President George W. Bush told a worldwide audience yesterday that, due
to continued attacks on his verbiage, he would devote all of America's
intelligence and military powers to defeating the tyrannical forces
of the self-appointed guardians of the English language. "These
people must be stopped," he said, haltingly. "The grammar police and
the syntax service have hounded me from day one. But they misunderestimated
their opponent."
Click here for the full story.
powder found in Hollywood home, entertainers panic
The national anthrax scare hit the entertainment community today as members
of the Los Angeles Health Department were called to the home of Bobby
Brown and Whitney Houston. Officials were responding to a 911 call
placed by a member of Ms. Houston's household staff after discovering
large amounts of a white powder in and around the Houston home.
While lab tests have yet to conclusively demonstrate that the substance
found was indeed anthrax, as a respectable news organization, we're virtually
certain it must be.
Click here for the full story.
man sues, claims Nobel snub
Terry Storti, a Terre Haute, Indiana, resident, who works as a greeter
at one of Terre Haute's three Wal-Mart stores, claims that the Nobel
Prize committee snubbed him by not including him in the award for the
Nobel Prize in Physics. Storti claims that he also discovered a Bose-Einstein
condensate, a form of matter neither solid, liquid, nor gas, years ago,
after visiting a Taco Bell in Des Plaines, IN, on his way home.
Click here for the full story.
by setbacks, biotech firm continues quest to clone Bigfoot
They told their investors they could clone Bigfoot, but so far, all
Eureka, California-based biotech firm Cryptozoo has produced is two
goats and a bear. Still, company founder and CEO Donald Key-Hotay
remains committed to the firm's corporate vision. "I'm not sure
how our authentic Bigfoot hair samples got contaminated like this, but
we're not quitting now," Key-Hotay vows.
Click here for the full story.
Coming soon!
See Interact, below.
How to start
your own
nu metal band
Our handy, step-by-step guide tells you all the two or three things
you need to know. You too can have two seconds of hard rock fame!
Click here to experience the power chords
and the glory.
Cranky Andy!
He's back! Cranky Andy has returned from his mysterious sabbatical
to grace you with more lists. Don't
all click at once.
America's second-favorite pastime, making fun of instant demi-celebrities,
continues to enthrall the country. Click
here to see the latest goings on.
We moved him over here in the layout process, to skillfully conceal the
fact that this Jeff guy is actually a weak rip-off of Cranky Andy.
Ssh! It's our secret.
Click here to see his lists.
More Survivor
That's right, one page wasn't enough. Despite our better judgement,
we have some weak info on Survivor: Africa at the official True Dork
Times Survivometer 3, here.
If that doesn't whet your whistle, check out our largely yawn-inducing
collection of Survivor-related humor here.
The Rant Page
There are new rants from Mark Hansen and Andy Braniff in the The
Rant Page!
which don't suck
Despite appearances to the contrary, there are actually a few things in
the world that do not sink to the level of suckdom. After an exhaustive
search, we've uncovered some.
Click here to see what we found. |
next month
Hey, we busted our brains pouring out this pool of swill! You really
think we plan these things this far in advance? Check back in a
few weeks to see the stuff we're working on like Japanese beavers. |
Coming very
Where's Osama?
We're working on an educational game that will teach everyone how to
find terrorist masterminds amidst a field of normal-looking citizens.
Hours of fun! ETA: November 15th.
web is a scary, scary place. We'd like you to think of us as your training
wheels. This month's True Dork Times-endorsed link:'s
online collection of drinking games. This is why college dorms
now have internet access. Of course, we're only *cough* endorsing
virtual drinking here *cough*. See some excellent warnings
about the dangers of alcohol here.
Hate what you see? Of course you do! We wouldn't be doing
our job otherwise. Address your venomous responses to:
