Filmed July 10-12,
Airs October 21, 2004 |
below for: |
speculation |
speculation |
speculation |
descriptions |
CBS: -Feeling
vulnerable, one castaway gives an impassioned, persuasive speech
in hopes of breaking the tribe's alliances.
-In a piglet-herding Reward Challenge, could one tribe's chance
of winning be hurt by a member's fear of handling pigs?
-Things get very relaxed at one camp, where one castaway decides
to do some nude sunbathing, and a walk to gather food fuels an
-Conflicted over how to vote in the upcoming Tribal Council, one
castaway prays for a sign to guide the decision. POOF! The sign
appears. |
CHALLENGE/ Piglet herding - Lopevi wins |
good job Yasur, for voting off the farm-boy wrestler! Maybe next
time ye shall heed the prophet Eliza. Nah, probably not. The
only person shown actually catching a pig in the web promo is,
of all people, Lisa (although Chad comes close). There are no
clear shots indicating progress, either - it's hard to see much
of anything in the holding pen behind Chad, which would indicate
how many pigs each tribe had captured.
So to pick a winner, we'll have to go with camp shots. Lopevi
looks universally happy, what with naked Julie napping, and Chad
pretending to peer, uh, over her. Yeah, that's it. Meanwhile
over at Yasur, Rory seems to think he needs to go on strike to
avoid tribal council. Everyone around him looks dour. Based on
Rory and Scout's clothes, this speech appears to be before the
IC (or at least before the marching-to-a-challenge shot, which
presumably is IC, since it looks nothing like their RC attire).
The relative moods at the camps could be explained if Yasur lost
the RC, indicating to Rory that, with three straight challenge
losses, Yasur was also likely to lose the IC, and boot his butt
out of there. So, on this flimsy evidence, we'll guess Lopevi
CHALLENGE pictures/ Click on thumbnails above for larger
version |

the traditional Vanuatu ritual of painting piglets red
and yellow, making a muddy pen, and chasing away! |

make me come down there!" |

just know this is gonna save my bacon!" |
CHALLENGE/ Yet another water race - Lopevi wins |
new Yasur tribe failed
miserably at two straight water challenges last week. And there's
no reason to suggest they'll do any better here, even though
their non-swimmer is now gone. It appears to be a multi-stage
which is a welcome departure from the last IC, which was... a
multi-stage race. We'd be thankful it's not another lame puzzle,
but it's too soon to rule even that out. Anyway, Lopevi looks
to have an early lead in the sole overhead shot. Can they hold
it? Maybe. Yup.
CHALLENGE pictures/ Click on thumbnails above for larger
version |

everybody, smiles! |

Probst tries on Yasur yellow for this week's promo. Plus
there's Chris pushing the cylinders. |

edge to Lopevi at this point, but not clear how far into
the challenge this is. |
Lisa |
John K. suddenly got to speak on camera in Ep5,
which doesn't bode well for him over the next two weeks. Then again,
thanks to Snewser,
we already knew that. Several
people, starting with PepeLePew at
Blows, have speculated that "Hog Tied" suggests
a tie at Tribal Council. Outcast John might be able to convince
new Lopevi
their best move
is to join him in forcing a tie. And Sarge may not think so
highly of the co-ed effect on John's allegiance, so
he's not an illogical target. The next episode's title involves
which Brownroach has
suggested could be
from the
tie vote. Both ideas seem reasonable. The question is: which
tribe? We have two tribes of six. For Lopevi, it might not
be unsurprising to see some tears from Twila if, for all her
instant bonding, she suddenly has
minority status on the
likes. Or from Julie, from having her eye candy snatched away.
Or from Sarge, for... no, now we're just being silly.
On the other hand, Rory's busy tantrumming his way into the
graces of that rock-solid female alliance in Yasur. He has
a tough road, because it's held up for one whole vote
so far. And that's how long it's going to last, too. But will
it break this week, or next week? When Rory does get saved, Lisa gets
the boot. Considering the numerous tears already shed at Yasur,
we can certainly see more flowing after a tie
vote in which Rory outlasts a woman. And that seems like the
best guess. For now. For what it's worth, she's also shown
much more frequently in the promo than John K.
How could a
tie come about at Yasur? Interestingly, in Rory's speech in
the promos, he's interspersed with
headshots of various Yasur women. The sequence goes: Rory -
Scout, Ami - Rory - Eliza - Rory - Lisa, Leann. Symbolically,
at least, Rory is coming between groups of Yasur women. How
does this carry over into the voting? For a two-way tie, you
could have Rory siding with one of the groups of two in the
first vote (presumably Scout and Ami), with Eliza flipping
back to Scout and Ami's side in the re-vote. Another possibility
would be a three-way tie, with the Scout-Ami duo vs. Rory-Eliza
vs. Lisa-Leann. That would be an absolute mess, and it's difficult
to imagine Lisa and Leann having a shared interest in ousting
someone the others like, but it might fit with
the "Conflicted
over how to vote in the upcoming Tribal Council, one castaway
prays for a sign to guide the decision" clue. But
we're leaning for the more simple, two-way tie, with Lisa going
on the re-vote.
And yes, Lisa
does go. Somehow.