Vol. V, No. 1
January, 2004
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Hide the kids, lock up the dog, and plaster the walls with garbage bags, it's...
By Crappy the Smart-Assed Toilet
True Dork Times Mascot and Craven Attempt to Appeal to the Lowest Common Denominator
 This month, the crap that clogs my pipes is: The top music stories of 2003
Now featuring our handy key to what it all means:




Pure. Evil.

Sucks, totally


iPod, iTunes and and iTunes Music Store render radio irrelevant

Take that, Clear Channel. We'll listen to what we want, when we want, dammit. No, it's not perfect, but it's a damn fine model for the legal distribution of music at (relatively) low prices. You're not forced to pay $15 for one song you like plus 60 minutes of filler. Sure, there are a lot of indie labels that have yet to join in, but in time, they'll probably come around.

Perhaps the best sign that it works: Metallica and the Chili Peppers strongly protested the a-la-carte sales of single songs, saying it corrupted the artistic concept of the album. While we can see that argument coming from, say, the Mars Volta, it's just funny coming from two bands who haven't produced anything worth downloading since roughly the time the web was born.
Sub Pop and Matador trip over each other trying to convince us it's really 1983

From Postal Service to Hot Hot Heat on the label formerly known as grunge, to Interpol's Joy Division/ Smiths fetishizing for the bullfighters, you'd have to wonder if this was really another major-label attempt to foist some old "new" sound on the market, like ska and the Big Band revival. Except a bunch of Saddle Creekers were doing the same (you know who you are).

Meanwhile, Jane's Addiction, foolishly thinking they could convince us it was actually 1989, tried to stage a comeback. Try again in six years, Perry. We're not that desperate.

RIAA sues MP3 downloaders
Yeah, that'll encourage them to buy more of your overpriced crap. Good idea. Our favorite victim was the Mac user who couldn't even use the KaZaA software. How about the majors try to reap higher profits by forcibly restraining themselves from blowing millions catering to the whims of the likes of Britney, Justin and Christina? Nah, that would be too hard.
Cold's "Stupid Girl" gets played 24 hours a day, for the entire year

Oh goody, another Nickelback. Just what the world desperately needed.

Emo is the new nu-metal

*Sniff* We'll still have our tear-stained journal all to ourselves. *Sniff*

Linkin Park responds to the new music world order by releasing their third remix version of "Hybrid Theory," this time creatively titled "Meteora." Meanwhile, Limp Bizkit tries the stunning new tactic of covering another band's former hit song. Truly, the emo revolution has shaken the music industry to its core.

After turning her into a millionaire, MTV gives Jessica Simpson her own reality show, in which we learn she is actually an idiot Shocking, truly shocking.
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