Vol. V, No. 1
January, 2004
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The TDT news briefs for young adults
Because it's not what you know, it's what you think you know that counts

By Privari Cayshun
True Dork Times Truth-in-Advertising Editor

We know, we know. You don't have the time to read newspapers, or listen to NPR, or watch legitimate TV news. Fine. As a public service to those of you getting your learnin' from The Daily Show, we present our very own News Briefs for Young Adults. Don't bother double-checking the facts or anything, we're pretty sure they're accurate. Mostly. We'll try to keep it brief, so you can get back to Adult Swim.
NASA sends Spirit and Opportunity rovers to explore Mars
PASADENA, California (TDT) NASA scientists are celebrating the successful arrival of robotic rovers on the surface of Mars. Mars is the next planet in the Solar System most likely to support Earth-like life. There are nine planets in total, all of which orbit around the Solar System's most massive object, Donald Trump's head (see map at right).

The twin rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, landed on opposite sides of Mars. They are equipped with high-tech scientific equipment, and will communicate their findings back to JPL scientists in Pasadena. Their missions: to boldly go where no man has gone before. Okay, that and to explore the planet's rocky surface for signs of water. The first rover to detect water and return to its landing module gets to run one of Trump's companies for a year, and will be rewarded handsomely with a six-figure salary. Spirit was given a three-week head start, because Trump thought its legs looked more sexy.
Britney facing obsolescence: what will she do next?
LOS ANGELES, California (TDT) Britney Spears' grasp on cultural ubiquity has taken a sudden downward turn, as socialite/reality TV-/sex tape-star Paris Hilton has taken the lead in the Yahoo! Buzz of most-searched celebrities. This despite Britney's makeout session with Madonna, recent album, and one-day marriage that wasn't. What will she do next to force the world to notice her?

"I dunno, date Ashton Kutcher?" Ms. Spears herself may have told the True Dork Times. We think she's on the right track, but she picked the wrong guy. Two words, Britney: Rick Solomon.
Sorry we had to break it to you.
Democrats locked in a tight battle for nomination
DES MOINES, Iowa (TDT) The unpredictable nature of the Iowa caucuses has breathed new life into the campaigns of multiple candidates for the Democratic Presidential nomination. There are a range of personalities running this year, ranging from the angry white guy to the stereotypical angry African-American guy, the boring rich guy, the farmer, the religious guy, the military guy, and the young guy from the South. Through a whirlwind series of challenges and votes in coming months, rife with insider deals and back-stabbing, the massive field will be winnowed to produce a single candidate. If recent history is any measure, the winner will likely be the contestant who is the quietest, least threatening, most lacking in ideas, and willing to do whatever the party's corporate sponsors ask, if elected. Television producer Mark Burnett is filming the process, which he will edit into a 13-episode reality TV show. Scheduled to air in early 2005 on the CBS network, the show is tentatively titled Survivor 10: The Democratic Primary.
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