NZ: Nicaragua intro shot
NZ: Nicaragua intro shot
On the truck, Day 1
Yeah, scorpions and snakes are out there. So what.
Pre-game lineup, listening to Matt
More listening to Matt
Yeah, I reckon I can find something edible
The newly formed Mogoton tribe
That's not fair that someone will be out before they get their feet under them
Opening scramble for survival items
Untying things
Ep2, already regretting voting out Hannah
Continuing shelter construction
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
Listening to Matt
Starting line
Ready to raise the platform
...and Hermosa wins
The losing Mogotons
Post-loss commisserating in camp
Sala pushes to keep Tom for strength
Mogoton, Ep2 Tribal Council
Talking to Matt
The second person voted out of Mogoton...
About to be snuffed, Day 4 (Episode 2)
Ready to head to Redemption Island
Talking about plans for revenge, Ep3
Greeting Hannah at Redemption
Pre-duel lineup, Ep3 duel
Asking whether Sala or Lou voted for him
Smashing tiles, Ep3 duel
Hugs for the just-eliminated Hannah
Watching Hannah burn her buff
My plan is to stay here and keep winning duels
Hanging out, Ep4, waiting for another duel
Greeting Izzy as she arrives at Redemption, Ep5
Talking about his plans for vengeance
Talking about cockatiels to Izzy
Pre-duel lineup, Ep5 duel
Saying a few words about Shay
Starting line
So far so good...
Izzy has a huge lead
Izzy wins
Congrats, Izzy
Burning his buff
Parting words
Reunion show, waiting for the vote reveal
Reunion show, chats with Matt