Island of Secrets intro shot
Island of Secrets intro shot
On the boat, Day 1
Greeting Nico
The original Ta'alo tribe
Opening sequence confessional
Starting line, Ep1 RC
Fetching an advantage for Jacques
Talking about camp arrival
Day 1 Ta'alo meet-and-greet
Enjoying Tania's stories
The stories are still going...
Tania proposes an all-women's alliance, Day 2
Eh, I'm not sure about that, Tania
Cobus finally arrives in camp
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
Starting line
Getting a head start on the puzzle
Still working the puzzle...
Ta'alo wins! First place!
Fun times at rainy Ta'alo camp, Ep2
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
Lifting coconuts
Enjoying the fruits of the fishing gear
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
About to lose a point to Steffi
Jacques reveals his idol/advantage armory, Ep3
This is great! I'm safe now!
Dante reads the Ep3 RC/IC treemail
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC/IC
Hanging out on the sit-out bench
Uh oh, Ta'alo loses the sudden-death consolation round
Missed it by... that much
The Ta'alos plot to deceive Tania when she comes back tomorrow
So, uh... Tania's not coming back for Tribal
Don't worry, Ting Ting! Jacques will save you with his idol
This is great news! I'm saved!
Heading to Tribal
Ta'alo, Ep3 Tribal Council
This should be fun!
Jacques plays his idol...
He played it for *himself* ?!?
Third person voted out of Island of Secrets...
Snuffed, Day 7 (Episode 3)