Shayelle Lajoie - SurvivorAU: Blood v Water

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 47 | Wins: 0 | Final Three: 1

  • SurvivorAU: Blood v Water (2022) - 2nd place (tie), no jury votes.
  • Voted out in Episode 16 (Day 32); re-enters after winning a duel in Episode 18 (Day 36).
  • Received no jury votes to tie for second place, 10-0-0, in Episode 24 (Day 47).

Shay Lajoie on social media: Instagram | twitter

Shay Lajoie - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
AU: Blood v Water 6.94 16.26 0.43 11 10 15 0.73 1.47 - - - 1.15 8.40
Career 6.94 16.26 0.43 11 10 15 0.73 1.47 - - - 1.15 8.40


Shay Lajoie - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Shay Lajoie - Challenge record
SAU7 logo  AU: Blood v Water challenges

Ep2 RC

Tribal/team challenge record (12-for-21):

  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 1 RC: "Water Slaughter" - Not shown competing; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 1 IC: (Battering rams) - Water struggles on second gate, loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 2 RC: (Water cage match) - Scores a point; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 2 IC: (Barrel roll) - Crosses obstacles, but Water loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 3 RC: (Sandbag pile) - Carries sandbags, but Water loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 3 IC: (Poles, seesaw) - Water takes a late lead; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 4 RC: (Mud pit, bell) - Loses a point vs. Sam; Water loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 4 IC: (Boats, arch puzzle) - Water solves the puzzle; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 5 RC: "Sumo at Sea" - Not shown competing; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 5 IC: (Endurance logs) - Third out for Water, which eventually loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 6 RC: (3-on-3 rugby) - Not shown competing; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 6 IC: (Pairs basketball) - Retrieves the fourth ball; Water wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 7 RC: (Rowing tug-of-war) - Loses twice, as Blood loses, 3-1.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 7 IC: (Boxes, table maze) - Works table maze, but Blood loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 8 IC: (Disc chain) - Third Blood pair to drop out, but Blood wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 9 RC: (Dunk log) - Knocked in by Chrissy, but Blood wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 9 IC: (Spool stack) - Places a spool successfully, but Blood loses.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 10 RC: (Water slide b-ball) - Not shown competing; team wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 10 IC: (Chariot slingshot) - Hauls the chariot; Blood wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 11 IC: (Team Spoon Man) - Works a maze; Blood wins.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 15 RC: (Pairs block stack) - Paired with Jordan, doesn't win.


Ep14 IC

Individual challenge record (5-for-13): (Mean % Finish: 74.7%)

  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 12 IC: "Ballin' A Jack" - Holds on over 50 min., Shay wins! (1st/8).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 13 RC: "A Bit Tipsy" - Drops her stack late, doesn't win (tie-2nd/13).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 13 IC: "When It Rains" - 8th out, over 15 minutes in (6th/13).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 14 IC: (Leaky bucket, puzzle) - Leads throughout, and again Shay wins! (1st/12).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 15 IC: (Hanging ball track) - Third out, stepping to 2nd post (9th/11).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 16 IC: "Chimney Sweeps" - Last person out, at 80 min. (2nd/10).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 19 IC: (Slide, 3-layer puzzle) - Working on 2nd layer (tie-2nd/9).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 20 IC: (Domino ball) - Not in danger of beating Mark (tie-2nd/8).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 21 RC: "Splash Back" - After over 30 min., Shay wins! (1st/7).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 21 IC: (Obstacles, word puzzle) - Working on the puzzle (tie-2nd/7).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 22 IC: (Obstacles, vertical puzzle) - Working the puzzle (tie-2nd/6).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 23 IC: "Always on the Run" - On four balls, Shay wins! (1st/5).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 24 IC: (Waterfall hold) - Hangs on for over 1 hr. 38 minutes, and Shay wins! (1st/4).


Hero challenge/ duel record (1-for-1): (Mean % Finish: 100%)

  • AU: Blood v Water:, Ep. 18 duel: (Ball on pole) - 2nd to finish, good enough to win (1st/2).
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 12
Played: 21
Win%: 0.57
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 5
Played: 13
Win%: 0.38
Mean % Finish: 74.7%
Hero challenges
Wins: 1
Played: 1
Win%: 1.00
Mean% Finish: 100%


Shay Lajoie - Tribal Council record
SAU 7 logo  AU: Blood v Water Tribal

Final Tribal Council

Idols held/played (1/1; 0 votes voided):

  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 1: Finds an idol clue for a Tribal Council idol, does not get it (Day 1).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 2: Retrieves an idol from a tree near the well, keeps it (Day 5).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 7: Plays the idol for herself at the swap, voiding no votes (Day 16).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (11/15):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 Andy Andy Meldrum (voted out, 9-2-1) Yes
Ep2 Briana Briana Goodchild (voted out, 9-2) Yes
Ep7 Sandra Sandra Diaz-Twine (voted out, 9-1) Yes
Ep9 Amy Amy Ong (voted out, 6-2-1) Yes
Ep12 Mel Mel Chiang (voted out, 5-3; back in via fire) Yes
Ep13 Mel Khanh Ong (voted out, 7-4-2) -
Ep14 Mel Mel Chiang (voted out, 6-4-1-1) Yes
Ep15 Jesse Jesse Hansen (voted out, 6-4-1) Yes
Ep16 Mark Shay Lajoie (voted to Exile, 7-2-1) -
Ep19 Jordan Jordan Schmidt (voted out, 4-2) Yes
Ep20 Sam Sam Gash (voted out, 5-3) Yes
Ep21 Mark David Goodchild (idoled out, [0]-2-2; 4-1) -
Ep22 Jordie Jordie Hansen (voted out again, 5-1) Yes
Ep23 Josh KJ Austin (voted out again, 2-2-1; 2-1) -
Ep24 Josh Josh Millgate (voted out, 3-1) Yes
15 TOTALS 11


VAP - Votes against (10):

  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 13: Two votes, from Khanh and Mel.
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 16: Seven votes, from Chrissy, David, Jordan, Josh, KJ, Mark, and Sam (voted to Exile, 7-2-1).
  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 22: One vote, from Jordie.


Jury votes received (0/10):

  • AU: Blood v Water, Ep. 24: Received no jury votes, to tie for second place (10-0-0).
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 1
Played: 1
Votes voided: 0
Voting record
VFB: 11
Tribals: 15
VAP: 10
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: 0
Total jurors: 10


Shay Lajoie - Pictures
SAU 7 logo  AU: Blood v Water image gallery
  • Shay Lajoie
    AU: Blood v Water intro shot
  • Shay Lajoie
    AU: Blood v Water intro shot
  • Shay Lajoie
    Arrival, Day 1, watching Sandra's chopper land
  • Shay Lajoie
    The newly assigned Water tribe
  • Shay Lajoie
    Watching KJ vs. Sophie, Ep1 RC


Shay Lajoie - Interviews
SAU 7 logo  AU: Blood v Water interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • None yet.


Post-game interviews


Shay Lajoie - Bio
SAU 7 logo  AU: Blood v Water bio

Official Ten AU: Blood v Water bio excerpts (January 24, 2022):

"Shay says: “Having him there will be priceless in terms of support. I struggle to not get caught up in my emotions sometimes, so I have to force myself to think my way out it.”

Why do you think you were chosen to be on Survivor? Because I am physically strong, socially adaptable and certainly not one to back away from a challenge.

What are you most looking forward to? The challenges, they vary so much over the seasons, so I have no idea what surprises JLP is about to serve up!"