Shai Ravindra - SurvivorUK 3

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 18 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 0

  • SurvivorUK 3 (2023) - 12th place, 7th out.
  • Voted out in Episode 8 (Day 18).

Shai Ravindra on social media: twitter | Instagram

Shai Ravindra - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
SurvivorUK 3 0.70 1.87 0.38 3 4 4 0.71 2.63 - - - 1.09 3.33
Career 0.70 1.87 0.38 3 4 4 0.71 2.63 - - - 1.09 3.33


Shai Ravindra - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Shai Ravindra - Challenge record
SurvivorUK 3 logo  SurvivorUK 3 challenges

Ep4 RC - Trench Run

Tribal/team challenge record (5-for-13):

  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.1 RC: "Crate Improvisation" - Caletón is first to the beach, but fire collapses, and Caletón loses.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.1 IC: "Dead Weight" - Holds weight throughout, often two, but Caletón loses.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.2 RC: "By Any Means" - Loses a point to Lee; Caletón loses.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.2 IC: "The Raft and the Furious" - Retrieves final crate, builds the tower, and finally, Caletón wins.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.3 IC: "Hot Pursuit" - Lasts to the end, Caletón wins.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.4 RC: "Trench Run" - Scores a point vs. Lee; Caletón wins.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.4 IC: "Discy Business" - Places blocks, but Caletón loses.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.5 RC: "Sumo at Sea" - Loses a point to Lee, but both tribes win.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.5 IC: "High and Mighty" - Crosses obstacles, but Caletón loses.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.6 IC: "Pole Axed" - Loads weights, and Caletón wins.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.7 RC: "Chain Reaction" - Drops discs with Nathan and Laurence; Caletón loses.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.7 IC: "Cell Block Sea" - Caletón has a huge lead until the puzzle, loses.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.8 IC: "When It Rains" - First out, in under 2 min., Caletón loses.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • SurvivorUK 3: None.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • SurvivorUK 3: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 5
Played: 13
Win%: 0.39
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -
Shai Ravindra - Tribal Council record
SurvivorUK 3 logo  SurvivorUK 3 Tribal

Ep5 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • SurvivorUK 3: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (3/4*):

*Caletón attended Ep4 Tribal, but voted Leilani to La Nena, not out (not counted)


VAP - Votes against (4):

  • SurvivorUK 3, Ep. 1: One vote, from Jess.
  • SurvivorUK 3, Ep. 8: Three votes, from Doug, Nathan, and Pegleg (voted out, 3-2).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • SurvivorUK 3: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 0
Played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 3
Tribals: 4*
VAP: 4
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: -
Shai Ravindra - Pictures
SurvivorUK 3 logo  SurvivorUK 3 image gallery
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    On the boat, Day 1
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Caletón leading, Ep1 RC
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Holding two weights, as Richard drops
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Talking about the first vote
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Caletón, Ep1 Tribal
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Disappointed to have received a vote, Ep2
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Watching the wrestling, Ep2 RC
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Caletón, about to finally win a challenge
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Caletón wins!
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Listening to Laurence's Outpost story, Ep3
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Starting line, Ep3 IC
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    About to catch La Nena
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Caletón wins!
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    About to score a point vs. Lee
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Barbecue cheers!
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Talking about the vote
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Caletón, Ep4 Tribal
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Listening to Jess
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Ready to Sumo at Sea, Ep5 RC
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Losing a point to Lee
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Joel shows up in camp with reward items
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Mmm, marshmallows
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Watching as La Nena blazes past
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Caletón, Ep5 Tribal
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Listening to Joel
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Discussing to send on the (swap) mission, Ep6
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Learning how it'll work
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Not going to La Nena
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Introducing Doug and Pegleg to their new tribe
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Liking the new tribe makeup
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Ep6 IC, in progress
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Caletón wins!
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Plotting with Laurence, Ep7
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Ep7 RC, already in progress
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 IC
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    First-try Shai, lassoing track pieces
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Maybe that needs a second or third try
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    The losing Caletóns, back in camp
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Caletón, Ep7 Tribal
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Listening to Joel
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Reading letters from home, Ep8
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Starting line, Ep8 IC
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Losing Caletóns, heading back to camp
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Option 1 is to boot Pegleg or something
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Actual plan is Nathan
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Caletón, Ep8 Tribal
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Talking to Joel
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    Seventh person voted out...
  • Shai Ravindra UK3
    About to be snuffed, Day 18 (Episode 8)
Shai Ravindra - Interviews
SurvivorUK 3 logo  SurvivorUK 3 interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • None yet.


Post-game interviews

  • Shannon Guss at RHAP (11/20/23): "Survivor UK | Week 4 Exit Interview"
Shai Ravindra - Bio
SurvivorUK 3 logo  SurvivorUK 3 bio

Official BBC SurvivorUK 3 bio excerpts (10/14/23):

"What made you want to be a contestant on Survivor? Being a super fan! I remember watching the show as an 11 year old in Sri Lanka where I grew up till the age of 17 and have watched most previous seasons across the 23 year period. When the opportunity arose, I jumped at it! Who wouldn’t want to be stranded on a random island with nothing but basic rations against a bunch of random strangers, competing in the best game ever!

What qualities did you think you’d bring to the game? Given my knowledge of the game, I believe I can help my tribe thrive in challenges physically and strategically.

How did you prepare yourself mentally and physically for taking part? Mentally I made sure to sharpen my mind with puzzle books to help with any challenges on the island. While physically I did put on some weight heading into the game to have some energy reserves due to the lack of food on the island.

Did you have a strategy of how you were going to play the game? My strategy before going into the game was to lay low at the beginning, not drawing any attention to myself and then try and seize control in the mid game. Which it turns out is much easier said than done!

How competitive are you? I am a very competitive individual and always want to win within the rules of the game, although being very competitive can have its downside as it puts a target on yourself!

What kind of challenges were you most looking forward to? I was most looking forward to the reward and immunity challenges and testing myself physically and mentally with the challenge of living on a remote beach.

How did you cope with living on a beach with no home comforts? It was tough but I felt like I became accustomed to it and enjoyed it thoroughly, although maintaining my hair in the process wasn’t ideal!

How did you cope with the hunger? The first few days were tough but I managed to get through it with the whole excitement of being on a remote island with random strangers. Eventually my body got used to my new reality of living on the island. Post the island experience I will never take food for granted!

What did you learn from being on the show? I have always thought I am a risk-averse person, but I have realised that am open to taking a lot more risks! Go BIG or go home was my philosophy! You only get one shot at playing the greatest game in the world."