Seipei Mashugane - SurvivorSA: Island of Secrets
Seipei Mashugane on social media: twitter | Instagram
Seasons: 1 | Days: 26 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 1

SurvivorSA: Island of Secrets (2019) - 11th place, 11th out - 3rd juror.

  • Sent to Island of Secrets 1 time. Cumulative time: In-game - 25 days; IoS - 1 day.
  • Voted out in Episode 11 (Day 26).

Seipei Mashugane - Career statistics
Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
SA7: Island of Secrets 0.98 4.90 0.20 7 9 8 0.86 1.88 - - - 1.06 2.86
Career 0.98 4.90 0.20 7 9 8 0.86 1.88 - - - 1.06 2.86
Seipei Mashugane - Challenge record
  • SSA7 logo SA: Island of Secrets challenges

    Ep7 IC - Hot Pursuit

    Tribal/team challenge record (5.5*-for-15; 1 2nd):

    • [SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.1 RC - Blindfolded, helps gather supplies (not counted as a challenge).]
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.1 IC - Helps disassemble, carry, and re-assemble puzzle pieces, but Sa'ula loses (3rd/3).
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.2 RC/IC - Helps lift the bag of coconuts, as Sa'ula loses again (3rd/3).
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.2 IC "Water Slaughter" - With Nate, loses her match-up; Sa'ula loses, 3-1 (2nd/2).
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.3 RC/IC "Mud Slide" - Loses her match-up, but Sa'ula wins! (1st/3).
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.4 RC/IC - Part of the tribe's plank train, but Laumei loses (3rd/3).
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.5 RC "Concentration" - Makes three matches, and Laumei doesn't lose (2nd*/3).
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.5 IC - Laumei ends up with an unsolveable slide puzzle, loses (3rd/3).
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.6 RC - Fires the slingshot, and finally, Laumei wins! (1st/3).
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.6 IC - Stacks tiles and holds the ropes, but Laumei loses again (3rd/3).
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.7 RC "Spoon Man" - Helps transfer the balls along, and Ta'alo wins.
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.7 IC "Hot Pursuit" - Carries her bag for Ta'alo, but Ta'alo loses.
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.8 RC "Kicking and Screaming" - Refuses to be removed from her pole; Ta'alo wins, 3-0.
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.8 IC - Directs the wheel maze, and eventually, Ta'alo wins.
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.10 RC - Part of the last-place yellow team, which lands zero of its 10 discs.
    • SA: Island of Secrets: Ep.11 RC/IC - Part of the last-place purple team, which still needs 4 tiles when challenge ends.

    *Note: Second-place finishes in the three-tribe phase count as half a win.


    Ep9 IC - When It Rains

    Individual challenge record (0-for-2; 1 sit-out): (Mean % finish: 15.4%)

    • SA: Island of Secrets, Ep. 9 IC: "When It Rains" - Fourth person to drop out, fairly quickly (10th/13).
    • SA: Island of Secrets, Ep. 10 IC: "Last Gasp" - Sits out for nachos and margaritas (tie-12th/12).


    Redemption/Exile Island duel record (0-for-0):

    • SA: Island of Secrets: None.
Career challenge totals
  • Team/tribal challenges
    Wins: 5
    2nd place: 1
    Played: 15
    Win%: 0.37
    Sat out: -
  • Individual challenges
    Wins: 0
    Played: 2
    Sat out: 1
    Win%: 0.00
    Mean% Finish: 15.4%
  • Duels
    Wins: 0
    Played: 0
    Win%: -
    Mean% Finish: -
Seipei Mashugane - Tribal Council record
  • SSA7 logo SA: Island of Secrets Tribal

    Ep10 Tribal Council

    Idols held/played (0.5/0):

    • SA: Island of Secrets, Ep. 9: Nicole gives Seipei the half-idol Nate had received at IoS (Day 21).
    • SA: Island of Secrets, Ep. 11: Rob convinces Seipei to give him back the half-idol, which he gives to Nicole (Day 26).


    VFB - Votes for the person booted (7/8):


    VAP - Votes against (9):

    • SA: Island of Secrets, Ep. 1: Two votes, from Lee-Anne and Paul.
    • SA: Island of Secrets, Ep. 1: Seven votes, from Durao, Laetitia, Mike, Mmaba, Nicole, Rob, and Steffi (voted out, 7-2-1-1).


    Jury votes made (0/1):

    • SA: Island of Secrets, Ep. 18: Voted for Nicole Capper, who finished second (6-4-0).
Career Tribal Council totals
  • Hidden idols/advantages
    Idols held: 0.5
    Idols played: 0
    Votes voided: -
  • Voting record
    VFB: 7
    Tribals: 8
    VAP: 9
  • Jury votes
    Made: 0
    For winners: -
    Received: -
Seipei Mashugane - Pictures
  • SSA7 logo SA: Island of Secrets image gallery
Seipei Mashugane - Interviews
Seipei Mashugane - Bio
  • SSA7 logo SA: Island of Secrets bio

    Official M-Net Island of Secrets bio excerpts (May, 2019):


    "Nobody wants to mess with entrepreneur and “Biker Queen” Seipei. The strong, no-nonsense single mother has built a life for herself and her two children through grit and determination, after deciding that she wants them to have access to the absolute best education. If she puts her mind to something, consider it done. And, as she admits herself, it’s always her way or the highway. When she is not the driving force behind one of several business ventures, she revs it up on her Harley Davidson motorcycle on road trips across the country.  As mobility, independence and emancipation are extremely important to Seipei, she also teaches women that biking holds a key to freedom. This iron lady has won several road challenges on her smokin' two-wheel chariot, but will she also lead the pack on the Survivor SA island?"