Rich Hughes - SurvivorAU: Brains v Brawn II

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 16 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 0

Rich Hughes on social media: Instagram

Rich Hughes - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
AU: BvB II 0.60 1.41 0.42 1 7 3 0.26 0.85 - - - 0.68 1.44
Career 0.60 1.41 0.42 1 7 3 0.26 0.85 - - - 0.68 1.44


Rich Hughes - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Rich Hughes - Challenge record
SurvivorAU 10 logo  AU: Brains v Brawn II challenges

Sumo at Sea - Ep6 RC

Tribal/team challenge record (6-for-14; 1 sit-out):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 1 RC (Key retrieval): "Helps" by flinging a bag, which gets stuck, Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 1 IC (Coco snake; puzzle): Helps haul the snake, and Brains win.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 2 RC (Slide, floating puzzle): Grabs bags, helps on the puzzle; Brains win again.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 2 IC (Spools, targets): Tosses sandbags with Max, but they blow a lead; Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 3 RC (Net Tunnel Run): Loses a point to Ben; Brains lose, 5-0.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 3 IC (Pole assembly, slingshots): Fires slingshot, never hitting, eventually swapping out for Kent; Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 4 RC (Pegs): Paired with AJ, Rich steps down after 10 minutes, but Brains win.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 4 IC (Water soccer): Three-time keeper; Brains win, 4-1.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 5 RC (Mud bath, targets): Transports mud, hits two (of six) targets, but Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 5 IC (Fire, puzzle, coconuts): Helps work puzzle, passes coconuts; Brains lose.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 6 RC, "Sumo at Sea": Now with Brawn, scores final point with PD; Brawn wins, 3-0-1.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 6 IC (Reverse slide, word puzzle): Sits out, as Brawn wins again.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 7 RC, (Swimming, memory): Now with Brawn; hauls rope, Brawn wins.
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 7 IC (Chests, tiles): Hauls the chests, but Brawn loses.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn II: None.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn II: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 6
Played: 14
Win%: 0.43
Sat out: 1
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -
Rich Hughes - Tribal Council record
SurvivorAU 10 logo  AU: Brains v Brawn II Tribal

Ep7 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0) | Advantages held/played (1/0):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 5: Upon being voted to Brawn, receives a 2x Safety Without Power advantage, giving him the power to send two people back to camp from Tribal before the vote, but it must be played at the Ep7 Tribal (Day 11).
  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 6: Sits out of the IC, hands the advantage to the (Tribal-bound) Max after the challenge ends (Day 14).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (1/3):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep2 Indy Indy Saleh (voted out, 10-2) Yes
Ep3 Myles Kent Miller-Randle (voted out, 8-3) -
Ep7 Logan Rich Hughes (voted out, 7-1-1) -


VAP - Votes against (7):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn II, Ep. 7: Seven votes, from AJ, Kaelan, Karin, Kristin, Logan, Noonan, and Paulie (voted out, 7-1-1).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn II: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 0
Played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 1
Tribals: 3
VAP: 7
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: -
Rich Hughes - Pictures
SurvivorAU 10 logo  AU: Brains v Brawn II image gallery
  • Rich Hughes AU10
    AU: Brains v Brawn II intro shot
  • Rich Hughes AU10
    AU: Brains v Brawn II intro shot
  • Rich Hughes AU10
    Brains tribe arrival, Day 1
  • Rich Hughes AU10
    Helping AJ retrieve the key, Ep1 RC
  • Rich Hughes AU10
    Brains lose
  • Rich Hughes AU10
    Brains tribe meet-and-greet
  • Rich Hughes AU10
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • Rich Hughes AU10
    Brains win immunity!
Rich Hughes - Interviews
SurvivorAU 10 logo  AU: Brains v Brawn II interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • None yet.


Post-game interviews

  • None yet.
Rich Hughes - Bio
SurvivorAU 10 logo  AU: Brains v Brawn II bio

Official Ten AU: Brains v Brawn II bio excerpts (January 20, 2025):

"Rich is a director who has worked around the world with some of the biggest actors but coming to Survivor is his own personal Oscars.

He says, “What I love about Survivor is the ability for a player to play a big move and stop a nation watching on their TVs. I love that feeling. It's tuning in for that one person that had the balls to go and take this person down.”

Rich might be a buff Brain, but he says it’s the right team for him saying, “I’m super creative, that’s what I do for a living. Some people have a calculator in their mind, mine is a paintbrush. I love coming up with ideas and I’m pretty good at it.”

Missing his fiancée will be what he’ll struggle with the most while on the beaches but knowing she has his back is what will help him when times get tough. She is also the one person who knows him best and can put up with his big personality which he admits can get him into trouble.

Rich says, “I’ve been told I stir the pot my whole life and sometimes I don’t even know I’m doing it. I don’t mean to, but it happens. I’ll be doing that on the beaches. Life’s more fun when you stir the pot a little bit.”"