Moriah Gaynor - Survivor 46

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 13 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 0

  • Survivor 46 (2024) - 13th place, 6th out.
  • Voted out in Episode 6, "Cancel Christmas" (Day 13).

Moriah Gaynor on social media: Bluesky | Instagram

Moriah Gaynor - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
Survivor 46 0.42 1.78 0.23 0 10 2 -0.29 0.00 - - - -0.06 0.42
Career 0.42 1.78 0.23 0 10 2 -0.29 0.00 - - - -0.06 0.42


Moriah Gaynor - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Moriah Gaynor - Challenge record
Survivor 46 logo  Survivor 46 challenges

Lizard King - Ep1 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (0-for-8; 4 2nds; 3 sit-outs):

  • Survivor 46 Ep. 1 RC: "Tiers of Heaven" - Hauls pieces, works puzzle, and Siga doesn't lose (2nd*/3).
  • Survivor 46 Ep. 1 IC: "Lizard King" - Hauls gecko, Works puzzle with Maria, Siga doesn't lose (2nd*/3).
  • Survivor 46 Ep. 2 IC: "Arch Madness" - Sits out, as Siga doesn't lose, again.
  • Survivor 46 Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Blue Lagoon Bustle" - Crosses obstacles; Siga doesn't lose, again (2nd*/3).
  • Survivor 46 Ep. 4 RC: "Wear My Ring" - Sits out, as Siga finally loses.
  • Survivor 46 Ep. 4 IC: "The Deep" - Crosses obstacles (including a jump), Siga doesn't lose (2nd*/3).
  • Survivor 46 Ep. 5 RC/IC: "Knock One Back" - Sits out, as Siga loses.
  • Survivor 46 Ep. 6 RC/IC: "Super Ramp" - Part of the losing orange team.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • Survivor 46: None.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • Survivor 46: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 0
2nd place: 8
Played: 4
Win%: 0.25
Sat out: 3
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -
Moriah Gaynor - Tribal Council record
Survivor 46 logo  Survivor 46 Tribal

Ep5 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • Survivor 46: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (0/2*):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep5 Ben Jem Hussain-Adams (voted out, 4-2) -
Ep6 -* Moriah Gaynor (voted out, 10-1) -

*Moriah played her Shot in the Dark (was not safe) at the Ep6 Tribal, and could not vote (but counts as a TCA).


VAP - Votes against (10):

  • Survivor 46, Ep. 6: Ten votes, from Ben, Kenzie, Liz, Maria, Q, Soda, Tevin, Tiffany, Tim, and Venus (voted out, 10-1).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • Survivor 46: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 0
Played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 0
Tribals: 2*
VAP: 10
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: -
Moriah Gaynor - Pictures
Survivor 46 logo  Survivor 46 image gallery
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Survivor 46 intro shot
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Survivor 46 intro shot
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    CBS pre-game interview shot
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Application video shot
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Greeting Probst, Day 1
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Starting line, Ep1 RC
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Siga takes second!
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Taking volunteers for the Savvy task
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Talking about the vibe tribe
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    The birth of a 100% real alliance
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Hauling gecko, Ep1 IC
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Working the puzzle with Maria
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Siga doesn't lose!
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Siga has fire! Ep2
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Excited about the Metallica vs. Taylor Swift song title battle
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Sitting out with her twin, Liz, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC/IC
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Starting line
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Siga is second again!
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Talking about digging for the beware idol, Ep4
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Jumping lessons with Charlie
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Watching Tim land buoys
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 RC/IC
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Siga, Ep5 Tribal
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Listening to Charlie
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Tribal didn't go great, Ep6
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    It's the merge (-ish)!
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Talking to Venus
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Venus is a threat!
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Telling Q the Jem vote was unanimous
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Teams drawn, Ep6 RC/IC
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Passed Q on the muddy net
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    The losing orange team
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Concerned about the vote
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Not-merge tribe, Ep6 Tribal
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Listening to Venus
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    I was left out of the last vote!
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Moriah is ... not safe
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Sixth person out of Survivor 46...
  • Moriah Gaynor S46
    Snuffed, Day 13 (Episode 6)
Moriah Gaynor - Interviews
Survivor 46 logo  Survivor 46 interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • Mike Bloom at (2/11/24): "Moriah Gaynor Brings the Power of 'Subtle Influence' from Politics to the Game"
  • Mike Bloom at RHAP (2/13/24): "Moriah Gaynor | Survivor 46 Pre-Season Interview" (YouTube)


Post-game interviews

  • Dalton Ross at (4/4/24): "Moriah Gaynor reveals what we did not see at that Survivor 46 Tribal Council"
  • Mike Bloom at (4/4/24): "Moriah Gaynor Was 'Fed Up and Annoyed' By Being Targeted for Her Fandom"
  • Rob Cesternino at (4/4/24): "Survivor 46 | Exit Interview with the Sixth Player Voted Out - Ep6"
Moriah Gaynor - Bio
Survivor 46 logo  Survivor 46 bio

Official CBS Survivor 46 bio excerpts, as published by Dalton Ross at (February 5, 2024):

"Name three of your favorite hobbies: Beer brewing. surfing. Dungeons & Dragons

List three adjectives that best describe yourself: Driven, quirky, sentimental

How would your friends describe you? My friends would describe me as a “go-getter” even if it's not always apparent. I’m always the person to organize the trip, plan the party, or really make an event happen. My catchphrase is basically “So I went ahead and made a GSheet for this…” At the same time, they’d describe me as very personable and fiercely loyal. I will do anything to help those I care about — whether that be showing up with wine and a sympathetic ear after a long day or stepping in myself.

What risks have you taken in your life, to make a change for the better, even if the outcome wasn’t planned? One of the largest risks I took was moving to California. When I moved here, I had a trunk full of clothes, a studio apt., and a part-time job. I had no idea if my relationship would succeed, if I would find meaningful employment, or if I’d make friends, but I knew I had hit an end in Wisconsin and there was nothing left for me there so I figured screw it, why not?

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? I’m most proud of completing my marathon. My freshman year of college, I started running to try for a half, then it grew to a full. I’m not just proud of the product of completing the marathon, but the grit and determination it took to get there — six days of running for four months straight in NYC is no joke! I felt like I spent my salary that year on energy gels and socks.

What is something we would never know from looking at you? You would never know how much I second-guess myself.

What past Survivor would you play the game most like? Nick Wilson"