John Cody - Survivor: Blood vs. Water

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 19.5 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 0

  • Survivor 27: Blood vs. Water (2013) - 13th place, 8th out.
  • Voted out in Episode 3, "Opening Pandora's Box" (Day 8).
  • Eliminated in a duel in Episode 8, "Skin Of My Teeth" (Day 19).
  • Longevity totals: In-game - 8.5 days; Redemption Island - 11 days.

John Cody on social media: twitter

John Cody - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S27: Blood vs. Water 1.75 3.38 0.52 3 8 4 0.69 1.75 - - - 1.21 3.50
Career 1.75 3.38 0.52 3 8 4 0.69 1.75 - - - 1.21 3.50


John Cody - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


John Cody - Challenge record
Survivor 27 logo S27: Blood vs. Water

Sumo at Sea - Ep3 RC/IC

Tribal/team challenge record (0-for-3):

  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Blue Lagoon Bustle" - Swims and rows for Tadhana, which loses.
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 2 RC/IC: "In The Barrel" - One of three barrel rollers for Tadhana, which loses again.
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Sumo at Sea" - Wins his bout against Aras, but Tadhana loses once again.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • Blood vs. Water: None.


Get a Grip - Ep8 duel

Redemption Island duel record (3-for-5; 1 2nd): (Mean % finish: 80.0%)

  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 4 Duel: "Odd-Shaped Bottoms" - John wins! (1st/3).
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 5 duel: "A Game of Bridge" - John wins again (although Candice is eliminated; 1st/3).
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 6 duel: "A Numbers Game" - John finishes second, but stays alive (2nd*/3).
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 7 duel: "Build A Fire" - John wins (1st/3).
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 8 duel: "Get A Grip" - John is out first, is eliminated (3rd/3).
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 3
Win%: 0.00
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -
Hero challenges/duels
Wins: 3
2nd place: 1
Played: 5
Win%: 0.70
Mean% Finish: 80.0%
John Cody - Tribal Council record
Survivor 27 logo  S27: Blood vs. Water

Ep.3 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 2: Received an idol clue from Candice, after she won the RI duel.
  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 3: Received a second idol clue from Candice, after she won her second RI duel, but still did not find the idol.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (3/4):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 (M1) Laura B Laura Boneham (voted out, 6-2-1-1) Yes
Ep1 (D3) Marissa Marissa Peterson (voted out, 8-1) Yes
Ep2 Rachel Rachel Foulger (voted out, 5-2-1) Yes
Ep3 Ciera John Cody (voted out, 6-1) -


VAP - Votes against (8):

  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 2: Two votes, from Ciera and Katie.
  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 3: Six votes, from Brad, Caleb, Hayden, Vytas, Ciera, and Katie (voted out, 6-1).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • Blood vs. Water: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Advantages held/played: 0/0
Idols found: 0
Idols played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 3
Tribals: 4
VAP: 8
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: -
John Cody - Pictures
Survivor 27 logo  S27: Blood vs. Water image gallery
  • John Cody S27
    Blood vs. Water intro shot
  • John Cody S27
    Blood vs. Water intro shot
  • John Cody S27
    S27 CBS pre-game interview, with Candice
  • John Cody S27
    Morning 1 tribal split - getting a smooch from Candice
  • John Cody S27
    Laura B leaves Tadhana, morning 1
  • John Cody S27
    Ep1 confessional, reacting to Candice getting voted out of Galang
  • John Cody S27
    Watching Rupert take Laura B's place on RI. No pressure, or anything
  • John Cody S27
    Talking over the swapping out idea with Candice, Ep1
  • John Cody S27
    Waterfall showering with Brad
  • John Cody S27
    Oh my
  • John Cody S27
    Talking to Hayden in the Tadhana shelter, circa Ep1
  • John Cody S27
    Preparing to bathe, under the watchful gaze of a phalanx of crew people
  • John Cody S27
    Listening to Tadhana's first treemail
  • John Cody S27
    Almost as excited at the prospect of Katie and Ciera beating their moms on the puzzle as they are, Ep1
  • John Cody S27
    Full Tadhana tribe, pre-Ep1 RC/IC
  • John Cody S27
    Starting line, Ep1 RC/IC
  • John Cody S27
    With Hayden and Brad, crossing the net barrier
  • John Cody S27
    Untying Tadhana's knots
  • John Cody S27
    Rowing back
  • John Cody S27
    Paddling the Tadhana canoe back to shore
  • John Cody S27
    Back at shore, helping unload the crate
  • John Cody S27
    Watching Tadhana's puzzle team blow the lead
  • John Cody S27
    Tadhana absorbs their loss
  • John Cody S27
    Talking over the boot with the Five Guys alliance
  • John Cody S27
    Full Tadhana tribe, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • John Cody S27
    Listening to Ciera describe her hunger
  • John Cody S27
    Talking about his decision not to switch out for Candice at RI
  • John Cody S27
    Getting to read the Ep2 duel treemail
  • John Cody S27
    Tadhana, ready to watch the Ep2 duel
  • John Cody S27
    Watching (or not) the Ep2 duel at Redemption Island
  • John Cody S27
    Watching Marissa not lose
  • John Cody S27
    Getting an idol clue (indirectly) from Candice
  • John Cody S27
    Ep2 confessional discussing his idol clue
  • John Cody S27
    Talking strategy with the Five Guys
  • John Cody S27
    Reading his idol clue
  • John Cody S27
    Wow, that idol sure is hard to find.
  • John Cody S27
    Tadhana arrives at the Ep2 RC/IC
  • John Cody S27
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
  • John Cody S27
    Ready to roll
  • John Cody S27
    Steadying Katie as she collects a bag
  • John Cody S27
    Not amused with Gervase's antics, again
  • John Cody S27
    Equally amused with Brad's post-IC antics, Ep2
  • John Cody S27
    Somewhat resistant to Vytas's 'boot Rachel' plan
  • John Cody S27
    Attracting unwanted attention with Rachel
  • John Cody S27
    Tadhana leaves for the Ep2 Tribal Council
  • John Cody S27
    Tadhana tribe, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • John Cody S27
    Watching people yell at Brad, Ep3 duel
  • John Cody S27
    Rooting on Candice
  • John Cody S27
    Giving Candice a victory kiss
  • John Cody S27
    Getting another idol clue from Candice
  • John Cody S27
    Reading his second idol clue, Ep3
  • John Cody S27
    Just shared his clue with Brad, who doesn't look very grateful
  • John Cody S27
    Yup, still not grateful
  • John Cody S27
    Getting challenge tips from Brad, pre-Ep3 RC/IC
  • John Cody S27
    Watching Brad and Vytas play-fight
  • John Cody S27
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC/IC
  • John Cody S27
    Beating Aras
  • John Cody S27
    Discussing which woman to boot, Ep3
  • John Cody S27
    Tadhana hikes to Tribal
  • John Cody S27
    Tadhana, Ep3 Tribal Council
  • John Cody S27
    Oh great, am I the target?
  • John Cody S27
  • John Cody S27
    Snuffed, Ep3
  • John Cody S27
    Waking up Candice, early Ep4
  • John Cody S27
    Early Ep4 confessional, not happy with Brad
  • John Cody S27
    Marissa and Candice assure him that RI is not, in fact, good
  • John Cody S27
    Pre-duel lecture time, Ep4
  • John Cody S27
    Neither confirming nor denying Brad's or Candice's positions
  • John Cody S27
    Getting started, Ep4 duel
  • John Cody S27
    Building up a lead
  • John Cody S27
    About to win
  • John Cody S27
    Listening to Marissa's final words, post-Ep4 duel
  • John Cody S27
    Standing around as Marissa leaves
  • John Cody S27
    Giving an idol clue to Monica
  • John Cody S27
    Team Cody, leaving Redemption arena
  • John Cody S27
    The Codys' excellent adventure, Ep4
  • John Cody S27
    Talking about sharing Redemption Island with Candice
  • John Cody S27
    Good times
  • John Cody S27
    Waking up to a new visitor at Redemption, Ep5
  • John Cody S27
    Maybe a little pleased that Brad is now at Redemption
  • John Cody S27
    Listening to Probst, pre-Ep5 duel
  • John Cody S27
    Watching Brad dissuade Monica from swapping out
  • John Cody S27
    Ready to go, Ep5 duel
  • John Cody S27
    Getting out to another lead
  • John Cody S27
    Working on the final puzzle
  • John Cody S27
    End of the line for Candice, Ep5
  • John Cody S27
    Listening to Candice's final words
  • John Cody S27
    Giving Candice a final hug
  • John Cody S27
    So long, Candice
  • John Cody S27
    Giving Monica another clue that she will immediately burn
  • John Cody S27
    Another pre-duel lecture from Probst, Ep6
  • John Cody S27
    Ready to go, Ep6 duel
  • John Cody S27
    Laura M already has an insurmountable lead
  • John Cody S27
    Hugging Brad after eliminating him, post-Ep6 duel
  • John Cody S27
    See you, Brad Culpepper!
  • John Cody S27
    Watching as Vytas gets a clue to burn
  • John Cody S27
    Listening to Kat fret about her pre-merge boot dating prospects, early Ep7
  • John Cody S27
    Pretend hiking to the Ep7 duel
  • John Cody S27
    Listening to Probst trying to talk Hayden into swapping out for Kat
  • John Cody S27
    Starting line, Ep7 duel
  • John Cody S27
    Already to the puzzle stage
  • John Cody S27
    Getting close to the win
  • John Cody S27
    Almost done
  • John Cody S27
    Giving Monica another incendiary note, post-Ep7 duel
  • John Cody S27
    Exciting news: there's another one
  • John Cody S27
    Reading the final pre-merge RI treemail, Ep8
  • John Cody S27
    Liking his chances, unless it's something totally unfair, like hanging on to a pole
  • John Cody S27
    Arriving at his final duel. Ep8
  • John Cody S27
    Listening to Probst, pre-duel lecture
  • John Cody S27
    It begins: Ep8 duel
  • John Cody S27
    Still in it
  • John Cody S27
    Starting to struggle
  • John Cody S27
    Still holding on...
  • John Cody S27
    ...and done. John, out of this game for good.
  • John Cody S27
    Why couldn't it have been a puzzle?
  • John Cody S27
    Watching the Lauras battle for the return spot
  • John Cody S27
    Going over his experience with Probst, post-Ep8 duel
  • John Cody S27
    Well, at least Candice and I got two days together, alone
  • John Cody S27
    Burning his buff, just missed the merge
  • John Cody S27
    Blood vs Water reunion show
John Cody - Interviews
Survivor 27 logo  S27: Blood vs. Water

Pre-game interviews

  • Gordon Holmes at (9/12/13): "Candice & John: 'I'm Always Wary of Rupert'"


Post-game interviews

  • Rob Cesternino at RobHasAPodcast (11/7/13): "Talking with the Latest Players Eliminated from Survivor -- 11/07/13"
  • Dalton Ross & Jessica Shaw at (11/7/13): "Was the last Survivor duel fair? John Cody weighs in"
  • Steve Helling at (11/10/13): "John Cody: I Took My Elimination Hard"
  • Gordon Holmes at (11/13/13): "Castaways Laura and John: Redemption Challenge Was 'Not Fair'"
John Cody - Bio
Survivor 27 logo  S27: Blood vs. Water

From his (and Candice's) pre-game interview with EW's Dalton Ross:

"The former Candice Woodcock is back for a third go round (after Cook Islands and Heroes vs. Villains) and says she has no problem voting her husband off — under the right circumstances. 'If we decided that there was one person going to the end and we would want another person on the jury for a vote,' explains Candice, 'that would be a possible scenario that we would vote one or the other out. But other than that we're going to stay loyal.' Says John, 'I'm not going to be forced to write Candice's name down in a situation that we haven't already talked about. I mean, I've got to sleep next to this woman for the rest of my life, so I'm not going to do something stupid like that.' Adds Candice, 'Smart man.'"

From his (and Candice's) official CBS bio page: (8/21/13)

"Occupation: Physician, Army Orthopedic Surgery Resident

Personal Claim to Fame: Being a West Point grad, graduating from Georgetown Medical School and training at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for my Orthopedic Surgery residency.

Inspiration in Life: The Wounded Warriors that we care for at Walter Reed.

Hobbies: Basketball, golf and working out.

Pet Peeves: Slow thinkers, talkers and movers; people who eat paper; illogical, irrational and inflexible people; excuses; mouth breathers.

3 Words to Describe You: Competitive, off-the-cuff, and loyal.

If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why? 1) My wife – someone I can always trust! 2) My dogs – great listeners and never talk back. 3) Deck of cards – helps pass the time.

Survivor Contestant You Are Most Like: I relate most to Mick and Marcus because of my profession. I also relate to Penner and Boston Rob, as smart family oriented guys who realize they have more to play for then just themselves.

Reason for Being on SurvivorThis is one of the most intense, intellectual and physical challenges I can think of, and being able to play with Candice will make it that much more interesting and crazy!

Why You Think You’ll “Survive” Survivor: My work ethic, determination, outside-the-box thinking, flexibility and mental toughness.

Why You Think You Will Be the Sole Survivor: I have a well-rounded mix of athleticism, grit and social emotional intelligence.

What Does It Mean to You to Play Survivor with Your Loved One? This will be such an incredible experience and an awesome opportunity for us! How many people can say they’ve competed in a game for a million dollars with the love of their life? There’s nobody in this world I trust more than Candice and this will be a crazy story for us to tell our kids someday."