Jamal Shipman - Survivor: Island of the Idols

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 24 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 1

  • Survivor 39: Island of the Idols (2019) - 12th place, 9th out - 3rd juror.
  • Visited Island of the Idols 1 time; immediately had his vote taken away, given scrap parchment.
  • Voted out in Episode 9, "We've Made It to the Merge!" (Part 2).

Jamal Shipman on social media: twitter | Instagram

Jamal Shipman - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S39: Island of the Idols 0.48 3.29 0.15 1 6 4 0.22 0.70 - - - 0.36 1.18
Career 0.48 3.29 0.15 1 6 4 0.22 0.70 - - - 0.36 1.18


Jamal Shipman - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Jamal Shipman - Challenge record
Survivor 39 logo  S39: Island of the Idols

Ep3 IC - Beam Me Up

Tribal/team challenge record (4-for-10):

  • Island of the Idols Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Tower of Equality" - Works the puzzle with Noura and Molly, and Vokai wins.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 2 RC/IC: "Rung-O Star" - Lands two balls, the winning shot just misses (twice), Vokai barely loses.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Beam Me Up" - Works the puzzle with Lauren, and Vokai wins.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 4 RC/IC: "Ow Pairs" - Tethered to Lauren, gets a key, and Vokai wins.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 5 RC: "Headlong Flight" - Eventually works the puzzle with Kellee, but Lairo loses.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 5 IC: "Discography" - Jumps and swims, but Lairo loses once again.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 6 RC: "Heroes End" - Helps carry the sled, move sandbags, but Lairo loses.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 6 IC: "Cage Against the Machine" - Hits three of Lairo's five shots, and Lairo wins.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 7 IC: "Faulty Towers" - Helps work the puzzle for Lairo, but Lairo barely loses.
  • [Island of the Idols Ep. 9 RC: "Raise the Roof" - (unaired) Holds up sandbags as part of the losing team.]


Ep8 IC - Pegs Over Easy

Individual challenge record (0-for-2): (Mean % finish: 66.2%)

  • Island of the Idols Ep. 8 IC: "Pegs Over Easy" - Lasts over 25 minutes, but eventually collapses (2nd/13).
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 9 IC: "I Hold On" - Second man out, fairly quickly (4th/5).


Redemption/Exile Island duel record (0-for-0):

  • Island of the Idols: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 4
Played: 10
Win%: 0.40
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 2
Win%: 0.00
Mean% Finish: 66.2%
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -
Jamal Shipman - Tribal Council record
Survivor 39 logo  S39: Island of the Idols

Ep2 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (1/1; 0 votes voided):

  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 4: While the tribe is fishing, looks around camp and quickly finds Vokai's idol (Day 9).
  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 7: Plays his idol for Noura, voiding no votes (Day 9).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (1/4*):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep2 Jason Molly Byman (voted out, 7-2-1) -
Ep5 Tom Tom Laidlaw (voted out, 5-2) Yes
Ep7 Dean Jack Nichting (idoled out, [0]-2) -
Ep8 Dan Kellee Kim (voted out, 8-5) -
Ep9 -* Jamal Shipman (voted out, 5-3-[0]) -

*Jamal was present (and voted against) at the Ep.9 Tribal Council, but was unable to vote himself; no TCA charged


VAP - Votes against (6):

  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 9: Six votes, from Aaron, Dan, Dean, Janet, Noura, and Tommy (voted out, 6-3-[0]).


Jury votes made (1/1):

  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 14: Voted for Tommy Sheehan, who won, 8-2-0.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Advantages held/played: 0/0
Idols found: 1
Idols played: 1
Votes voided: 0
Voting record
VFB: 1
Tribals: 4*
VAP: 6
Jury votes
Made: 1
For winners: 1
Received: -
Jamal Shipman - Pictures
Survivor 39 logo  S39: Island of the Idols
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    CBS pre-game interview
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    S39 preview shot
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Vokai hands out the buffs, Day 1
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Talking about the new tribe
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Hitting the net obstacle
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Helping people up the wall
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Working the puzzle, with Molly and Noura
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Vokai wins!
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Idoled up
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Queen, king, and Jack, Ep2
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Beachfront yoga with Noura
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Listening to the note that sends Kellee to Island of the Idols
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Hearing Kellee's post-IotI report
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Rolling balls, and nearly hitting the winning shot
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Jason pleads his case
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Vokai, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Listening to Noura
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Tommy tries to repair the relationship, Ep3
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    I'll forgive, but I won't forget
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Talking about his new plans
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Trying to get Janet on board to target Dan
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC/IC
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Working the puzzle, with Lauren
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Vokai wins!
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    The tribe's off fishing; I would be crazy not to take advantage of this, Ep4
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Effort pays off
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    It's an idol!
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Isn't it beautiful?
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC/IC
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Bad news, Noura
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Starting line
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Vokai, leading
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Vokai wins!
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Picking new buffs, Ep5
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    The new Lairo tribe
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 RC
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Waiting patiently to start on the puzzle
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Racing to catch Vokai
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Sigh, Vokai wins
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Waiting to jump
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Watching Dean sink baskets
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Oh well, bad news for old Lairo
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Heading to Tribal
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Lairo, Ep5 Tribal Council
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Listening to Janet
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Not thrilled about Noura trying to target him, Ep6
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 RC
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Carrying Jack to the slingshot
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Watching Jack shoot
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Demonstrating West African rhythm patterns for the tribe
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    A moment
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Talking about his talk with Jack
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Talking about privilege, with Jack
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 IC
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Trying to move the cage
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    With Dean, making shots
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Lairo wins immunity!
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Trying to make fire, Ep7
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Still trying...
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    That went well
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Lairo hands back immunity
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Lairo gets started on the puzzle
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Vokai wins, barely
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    This should be easy, we're voting Dean
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Heading to Tribal
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Lairo, Ep7 Tribal Council
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Listening to Noura
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Playing this for... Noura
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    And the two votes left are for Jack, sigh...
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Kellee pretends not to know why Noura voted Jack, Ep8
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    I expect there's more truth to come
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    About to merge
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Yay, new buffs
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Starting line
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Down to a showdown with Aaron
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Lumuwaku, Ep8 Tribal Council
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Oh look, free advantage! Ep9
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    It was a free trip to Island of the Idols, at least
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Get outta here! Boston Rob and Sandra?!
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Talking to the idols
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Learning what his "advantage" was (it took his vote)
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Giving Dean a fake legacy advantage on his return
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Starting line, Ep9 IC
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Lumuwaku, Ep9 Tribal Council
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Listening to Janet
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Ninth person voted out, and the third member of our jury...
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Snuffed, Day 25 (Episode 9)
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    The jury, Final Tribal Council
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    Watching the vote reveal
  • Jamal Shipman S39
    (Almost) full cast, reunion show
Jamal Shipman - Interviews
Survivor 39 logo  S39: Island of the Idols

Pre-game interviews

  • Mike Bloom at Parade.com (9/12/19): "Survivor Island of the Idols: Meet Jamal Shipman"
  • Josh Wigler at RHAP (9/16/19): "Survivor 39 Preseason Interviews: Vokai Tribe - Part 1"


Post-game interviews

  • Dalton Ross at EW.com (11/20/19): "Jamal Shipman reveals what we didn't see on Survivor: Island of the Idols"
  • Gordon Holmes at XfinityTV.com (11/20/19): "Jamal - 'I Believe That It is Important to Believe Women'"
  • Mike Bloom at Parade.com (11/20/19): "Jamal Shipman Talks Losing Allies, Legacy Advantages, and Listening"
Jamal Shipman - Bio
Survivor 39 logo  S39: Island of the Idols

Official CBS Island of the Idols bio excerpts (September 9, 2019):

"Hobbies: Coaching basketball, taking West African and salsa dance lessons, teaching myself the bass guitar, and losing in fantasy football leagues.

Pet peeves: I hate bugs that insist on leaving behind itchy, painful bumps. I don't mind sharing my blood with you, but why the discomfort? Why the ache? It's pretty rude if you ask me.

What accomplishment are you most proud of? My educational path is something I'm most proud of. After 8 years at P.S. 27, a Jersey City public school where my mom is still a teacher, I was accepted to the Prep for Prep program in New York. That experience prepared me for high school at Milton Academy, a New England prep school, which opened the door for me to attend and graduate from Brown University, an Ivy League school in Providence, R.I. With some bumps along the way and lots of help from those who care about me, I was able to make it through and be where I am today.

Who or what is your inspiration in life? Barack Obama. I wasn't all that politically aware prior to his run for president. He spoke to me. He inspired me to get involved and care about our world in a more engaged way. I've read his books, watched his speeches, and followed his presidency. The thoughtfulness, grace, optimism, and commitment he showed is absolutely uplifting. If we can approach life with his same attitude and aspire towards excellence the way he does, we'd all be better off.

What's one thing we wouldn't know from seeing a photo of you? You wouldn't know that while I was a tri-varsity athlete by my junior year in high school, I was also in the school a cappella group, played the trumpet in the orchestra, and played a role in the spring play! You can't judge a book by its cover.

Which Survivor contestant are you most like? I most relate to Jeremy. I think he played the game the second time similarly to how I would want to play it. Wendell, Officer Sarah, and Christian are all players I relate to, as well.

Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor? I've been intensely studying this game. I feel like I have a good handle on what to do in order to give myself the best shot at making it to the end with enough good will to get votes. People will be happy to write my name at the end."