Island of Secrets intro shot
Island of Secrets intro shot
On the boat, Day 1
Greeting Nico
The original Laumei tribe
Starting line, Ep1 RC
Rocco finally reaches camp, Day 2
Listening to Rocco's all-dudes alliance idea
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
Starting line
Everyone still working on the puzzle
Laumei doesn't lose!
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
Holding up the coconuts
Laumei wins! First place!
In camp, with chickens
Laumei reunites with their old friend, the Sun, Ep3
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC/IC
Losing a point to Rob and Nate
Watching Rocco secure second place
Laumei doesn't lose!
Pre-swap lineup, Ep7
The new new Sa'ula tribe
Moving balls along, Ep7 RC
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 IC
Sa'ula, about to catch Ta'alo
Feeling pretty comfortable as the "swing vote" with three pairs, Ep8
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 RC
Getting dragged for a point
Recounting his fun times on the Island of Secrets
Free idol! (Also merge is coming)
Yes! I'm making the merge!
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
Working the wheel maze, blindfolded
The losing Sa'ulas
Spinning a tall tale about calls from home and juicy pizzas
Geoffrey proposes blindsiding Nate
Sa'ula, Ep8 Tribal Council
Listening to Mmaba
Buffs dropped, ready to merge, Ep9
Yay, merge, etc.
Merge feasting
Maybe a bit too enthusiastic on the milkshakes
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 IC
Starting line
Outlasting Laetitia
Waiting for it to end
Plotting with Rob and the Laumeis
Manumalo, Ep9 Tribal Council
Listening to Meryl
Talking to Rob, Ep10
I really trust Rob!
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 RC
Purple team, ready to go
Watching Dante fling discs
Purple team wins reward!
Just sent Jacques to Island of Secrets
Dante proposes a plan
Filling Steffi and Rob in on Dante's plan
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 IC
Starting line
Manumalo, Ep10 Tribal Council
Listening to Dante
Listening to treemail, Ep11
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 IC
Purple team, ready to go
Purple team, trailing
Reporting to Rob
Rob will take me to the end with him
Dante tries to get Durao on board with his plan
More listening to Dante
Manumalo, Ep11 Tribal Council
Listening to Steffi
Dante is displeased, Ep12
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 RC
Starting line
Watching the final round
Freshly picked to go to IoS
Talking about his advantage
The cheat sheet
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 IC
Down to a showdown with Nicole
Durao wins immunity!
Safe at Tribal Council tonight
Feels good to win
Manumalo, Ep12 Tribal Council
Listening to Nico
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep13 RC
Facing off vs. Nicole, for a few seconds
Listening to Steffi
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep13 IC
Starting line
Mike wants to take out Rob
Manumalo, Ep13 Tribal Council
Talking to Nico
Listening to the IoS treemail, Ep14
Totally on board with your plan, Mike
Telling Rob about Mike's plan
Giving Rob back his idol
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep14 IC
Starting line
Manumalo, Ep14 Tribal Council
Listening to Jacques
Listening to treemail, Ep15
Pre-auction lineup
All items assigned
Getting a last bite of biltong
Plotting with Mike and Jacques
Reporting back to Rob
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep15 IC
Starting line
Stack growing...
Listening to Rob's long-term plan
Vote Steffi tonight, guys
Manumalo, Ep15 Tribal Council
Listening to Jacques
Listening to treemail, Ep16
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep16 IC... the loved ones are here!
Happy to have his mom here
Already trying to catch up to Rob
Hoping to get picked to join Rob for reward
Sent to Island of Secrets instead
Complaining about lack of loved ones
Heading to Tribal
Manumalo, Ep16 Tribal Council
Wait, Rob fooled us? Uh oh...
I guess I'm dead man walking now! Ep17
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep17 RC
Starting line
Dropping his statue
Day at camp with Steffi
We're the two hungriest people out here
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep17 IC
Starting line
Trying to catch up to Rob
Oh well, Rob won. Guess I'm done.
Manumalo, Ep17 Tribal Council
I was saved by an idol! Ep18
Pre-challenge lineup, F4 IC
Dramatic starting line
Rob is guaranteed a spot in the Final Three
Manumalo, F4 Tribal Council
Final three!
Reflecting on his game
Morning 39 breakfast, cheers!
Time for one more shot of Durao and food
Heading to the Final Tribal Council
Ready to face the jury
Reunion show, waiting for the vote reveal
Get on with it, Nico
The final three, reunion show
Full cast, reunion show