'Chappies' Chapman - SurvivorSA: Immunity Island, SurvivorSA: Return of the Outcasts

Seasons: 2 | Days played: 41 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 1

Francois 'Chappies' Chapman on social media: twitter | Instagram

'Chappies' Chapman - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
SA8: Immunity Island 8.47 13.51 0.63 6 3 12 0.50 2.00 - - - 1.12 10.47
SA9: Return of the Outcasts 0.10 0.20 0.50 0 5 1 -0.50 0.00 - - - 0.00 0.10
Career 8.57 13.71 0.63 6 8 13 0.46 1.85 - - - 1.08 6.13
'Chappies' Chapman - Challenge record

Deep in Thought - Ep5 RC

Tribal/team challenge record (6-for-12):

  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 1 IC: (Rope rungs, puzzle) - Swims, retrieves rungs; Vuna wins.
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 2 RC: (Fish traps, cog puzzle) - Collects a trap, helps Santoni, but Vuna loses.
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 2 IC: (Obstacles, sandbags, block puzzle) - Crosses the obstacles, tosses sandbags, but Vuna loses again.
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 3 RC: "Battle Dig" - Now with Zamba; wins blankets vs. Renier; but both tribes sort of win?
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 3 IC: "The Cruel Sea" - Lands two rings, but Zamba loses, 5-4.
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 4 IC: "A Crate Idea" - Rolls and stacks crates; Zamba loses.
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 5 RC: (Rice balance) - Fifth Zamba to drop out; Zamba loses.
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 6 RC: "In Deep Thought" - Swims thrice, helps two tribemates, but Zamba loses.
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 6 IC: "Basket Brawl" - Scores one point, also in the final point-scoring team; Vuna wins.
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 7 RC/IC: (Keys, climb, puzzle) - Swims, climbs; Vuna wins.
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 9 RC: (Ball/disc, targets) - Hits all 4 targets; orange wins.
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 11 RC: (Coconuts, puzzle) - Part of the green winning team.


Keel Hauling - Ep11 IC

Individual challenge record (7-for-11): (Mean % finish: 81.4%)

  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 8 IC: "Get a Grip" - 9th person out, after 2 hrs, 5 min (4th/12).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 9 IC: "Living Color" - Tied with Renier for first person eliminated, in first round, fourth tile (tie-10th/11).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 10 RC/IC: "A Leg Up" - Fourth out, in under 20 min. (7th/10).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 11 IC: "Keel Hauling" - Delays dropping his final ring so the others can eat, but faces minimal competition, Chappies wins (1st/2).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 12 IC: "Rope-A-Dope" - Makes finals, and Chappies wins (1st/7).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 13 RC: "Audio Slave" - Holds on over 5 minutes, and Chappies wins (1st/6).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 13 IC: "Puppet Master" - First to maze, Chappies wins (1st/3).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 14 RC: (Bucket cascade) - First to fill, Chappies wins (1st/5).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 14 IC: "Might As Well Jump" - Racing Kiran and Anela on the final puzzle row, and Chappies wins (1st/5).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 15 RC/IC: "Step Brothers" - 1st to puzzle, Chappies wins (1st/4).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 16 IC: "Hand on a Hard Idol" - Last to drop, 2+ hrs in (2nd/3).


Hero challenge/ duel record (1-for-2): (Mean % finish: 75%)

  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 1 Hero RC: (Fire-making) - First to flame, and Chappies wins a fire-making kit for Vuna.
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 4 Hero RC: (Turnstile) - Beats Dino, but loses the duel matchup vs. Marisha and Dino; Zamba loses, 2-1.

Water Slaughter - Ep1 RC

Tribal/team challenge record (1-for-2):

  • SA: Return of the Outcasts, Ep. 1 RC: "Water Slaughter" - Helps Dante score, Masu wins.
  • SA: Return of the Outcasts, Ep. 2 IC: (Obstacles, ladders) - Active on wall cross, but Masu loses.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • SA: Return of the Outcasts: None.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • SA: Return of the Outcasts: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 7
Played: 14
Win%: 0.50
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 7
Played: 11
Win%: 0.64
Mean% Finish: 81.4%
Hero challenges
Wins: 1
Played: 2
Win%: 0.50
Mean% Finish: 75%


'Chappies' Chapman - Tribal Council record

Ep8 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0) | Advantages held/played (1/0):

  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 1: Wins the Ep1 Hero RC, given a Diplomatic Immunity bracelet (Day 2). It expires at the merge, without being used.
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 8: Tyson plays his idol for Chappies, voiding 7 votes against, and saving him (credit goes to Tyson, though; Day 21).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (6/12*):

  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 3: Mike Laws (voted out, 5-3).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 5: Carla Gubb (voted out, 5-2).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 9: Shaun Wilson (voted out, 6-5).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 10: Renier Louwrens (voted out, 6-4).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 12: Wardah Hartley (idoled out, [0]-2).
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 14: Kiran Naidoo (voted out, 3-2).

*Chappies was present at, and had his name written down at, the Ep8 merge Tribal, but Anela used his Tribal Insurance advantage to steal Chappies' vote.


VAP - Votes against (3):

  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 5: Two votes, from Carla and Wardah.
  • [SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 8: Seven votes, from Amy, Anela, Anesu, Marisha, Nicole, Renier, and Shaun, all voided by Tyson's idol play.]
  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 16: One vote, from Nicole (voted out, 1-0 or 2-1).


Jury votes made (1/1):

  • SA: Immunity Island, Ep. 16: Voted for Nicole Wilmans, who won, 8-1.

Ep2 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0) | Advantages held/played (0/0):

  • SA: Return of the Outcasts: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (0/0):

  • SA: Return of the Outcasts: None.


VAP - Votes against (5):

  • SA: Return of the Outcasts, Ep. 2: Five votes, from Dante, Marian, Meryl, Palesa, and Tejan (voted out, 5-4-1).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • SA: Return of the Outcasts: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Advantages held/played: 1/0
Idols found: 0
Idols played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 6
Tribals: 13*
VAP: 8
Jury votes
Made: 1
For winners: 1
Received: -


'Chappies' Chapman - Pictures
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    SA: Immunity Island intro shot
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    SA: Immunity Island intro shot
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    SA: Immunity Island pre-game shot
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Pre-game interview
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Hiking in, Day 1
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Greeting Nico
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    I am the winner of season 8, welcome to my journey
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    The two tribes by random draw, Zamba and Vuna
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Vuna tribe in camp
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Firemaking with Pinty
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Talking about his alliance with Pinty
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Also with Anesu
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 Hero RC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies wins reward for Vuna!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Receiving a Diplomatic Immunity bracelet
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Triumphant return to camp
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Starting line, Ep1 IC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Vuna wins immunity!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Starting line, Ep2 RC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    The Formidable Four forms
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Crossing obstacles
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Talking about the vote
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Vuna, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Listening to Kiran
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Plotting with Paul, Ep3
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Santoni has an idol clue!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Freshly swapped to Zamba
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Watching the wrestling
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Reward feasting with the new tribe
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chatting with Amy
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Starting line, Ep3 IC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Watching Paul toss rings
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Santoni feeds intel to the guys
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Zamba, Ep3 Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Listening to Nico
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    There's a camp raid? Ep4
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 Hero RC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Scoring a point vs. Dino
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Arranging crates
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Carla's back from Immunity Island already?
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Her story is false, because I have Santoni's paperwork!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Zamba, Ep4 Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Listening to Paul
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Starting line, Ep5 RC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Zamba, Ep5 Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Listening to Amy
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Swimming is my middle name! Ep6
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 RC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Going back to help Anela
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Getting all the puzzle pieces
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Santoni thanks Chappies for helping her
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Swapped again!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Back on a challenge-winning tribe
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Vuna wins immunity!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Forming a totally real alliance with Renier, Ep7
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Gathering poles, Ep7 IC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Vuna wins immunity!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    The newly merged Osindile tribe, Ep8
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Merge feasting
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Getting sent on a wild goose chase by Anela and Shaun
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Nothing to see here
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Talking to Santoni and Wardah
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Spy shacking
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Starting line, Ep8 IC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Still going...
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Thinking he might be a target
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Still hoping for an idol that isn't there
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Osindile, Ep8 Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Tyson gives his idol to Chappies
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Playing the idol for myself, Nico
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies, does not count ... Marisha
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Throwing balls for the orange team, Ep9 RC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Orange team wins!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Reward feasting
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Dropping tiles, Ep9 IC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Osindile, Ep9 Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Talking to Nico
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Operation Destiny is ready to go, Ep10
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    But first, the dumb Tied Destinies
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Starting line, Ep10 RC/IC ... Santoni's out
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Back at camp, plotting during the waterpark reward
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Sigh, Operation Destiny will have to wait
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Signing Renier's book
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Osindile, Ep10 Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Listening to Nico
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Teams picked, Ep11 RC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Green team wins!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Reward feasting
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Appreciating the reward
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies vs. Nicole, Ep11 IC, while the others eat
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies wins immunity!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Trying to recruit Nicole
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Ep11 Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Pledging to seek vengeance for Anesu, Ep12
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Talking about his secret stash of food
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Auction time!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    That seems like a lot of candy
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Trying to work with Nicole
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies' Diner is open
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Made it through the first round, Ep12 IC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies wins immunity!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Safe at Tribal Council tonight
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chatting with Kiran
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Swapping out Wardah's rice for sand
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Osindile, Ep12 Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies and his wife, Ep13 loved ones visit
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Starting line, Ep13 RC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies wins, but everyone's loved one gets to go to camp
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Loved ones at Osindile
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Reward feasting
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies vs. his hand-picked opponents, Ep13 IC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies wins again!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Osindile, Ep13 Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chatting with Anela, Ep14
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Collecting water, Ep14 RC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies wins reward!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Reward lunch, with Anela
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Some unhappy non-customers at the diner
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Ready for the next immunity win
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep14 IC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies wins!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Four immunities in a row, pretty good
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Osindile, Ep14 Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Feigning surprise at Nicole's coconut find, Ep15
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Starting line, Ep15 IC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies, leading
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies wins again!
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    5th immunity win, 7th straight challenge win
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Talking about the juror he chose to join him
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Reward breakfast with Anesu
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Oh wait, there's more ... remove a juror advantage
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Tyson makes his pitch to stay
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Osindile, Ep15 Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Removing Wardah from the jury
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    The final three, finale opening segment
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep16 IC
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Starting line
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Outlasting Anela
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Chappies blacks out, somewhere past 2 hours
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    If this is where it ends, I've grown so much
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Making his pitch to Nicole
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    The final vote-out
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    The ninth and final member of our jury...
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Have a coconut, Nicole
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Snuffed, Day 38 (Episode 16)
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Post-boot chat with Nico
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    With the jury, Final Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Addressing the final two
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Reunion show, talking to Nico
  • Chappies Chapman SA8
    Just won fan favorite!
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    SA: Return of the Outcasts intro shot
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    SA: Return of the Outcasts intro shot
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    On the boat, Day 1
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    Greeting Nico
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    Excited to start playing
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    Wrestling for a ring, Ep1 RC
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    Masu tribe 'Breakfast Club' alliance is formed
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    Trusting that Steffi will negotiate well at the Outpost
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    Late-night idol hunting, Ep2
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    Watching PK unlock padlocks
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    The losing Masus
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    On a scale of 1 to 10, my worry level is about a 2
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    Masu, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    Listening to Shane
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    First person voted out of Return of the Outcasts...
  • Chappies Chapman SA9
    About to be snuffed, Day 3 (Episode 2)


'Chappies' Chapman - Interviews

Pre-game interviews


Post-game interviews

  • Shannon Guss & Mike Bloom at RHAP (9/23/21): "Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island | Francois 'Chappies' Chapman Deep Dive"

Pre-game interviews

  • Shannon Guss & Mike Bloom at RHAP (7/1/22): "Survivor South Africa: Return of the Outcasts | Pre-Season Interviews, part 4: Masu (Post-Merge) Men"


Post-game interviews

  • Shannon Guss & Mike Bloom at RHAP (7/23/22): "Survivor South Africa: Return of the Outcasts | Week 1 (Eps 1-4) Exit Interviews"


'Chappies' Chapman - Bios

Official SurvivorSA: Immunity Island bio, from News24.com (5/2/21):

"Entrepreneur Francois Chapman (32) from Centurion, is better known as 'Chappies' to his friends and fellow castaways. He describes himself as an optimist by nature, who loves life and strives to make a positive impact in others' lives by living his life to the fullest. 'Swim upstream or don't swim at all,' is his motto. Chappies says there's nothing he wouldn't do to win the game. 'No hard feelings, just a hard game,' he says."


Pre-game interview video: https://twitter.com/FrancoisChapman/status/1389254423671623681

Official SurvivorSA: Return of the Outcasts M-Net bio (6/5/22):

"Chappies Chapman is addicted to growth and has a strong strive to improve in all aspects of his life, most notably in fitness, which he takes very seriously. He lives in Centurion with his wife and son and is involved in various online businesses, real estate, and the motivational speaking space.

Since becoming a father, Chappies has a renewed lease on life and is in constant pursuit of purpose. He is calmer and more at peace than before, partly due to his son’s arrival – but also because no longer feels the need to prove his worth as a Survivor player.

From his previous experience, he learnt to think before he speaks and to avoid alienating people. That was his pattern at the start of his season – which ultimately put him on the back foot because he couldn’t reconcile with them when he needed to work with them."