Champions v. Contenders intro shot
Champions v. Contenders intro shot
Checking out the Champions, Ep1
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 RC
Watching John score a point
Contenders tribe meet-and-greet, Day 1
Telling Andy how to build the shelter
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
Starting line
Crossing obstacles
Watching Andy and Shaun throw war clubs
Contenders win immunity!
The Contenders have fire! Ep2
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC
Watching Matt and Shaun score a point
With Sarah, about to score vs. Pia and Susie
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
Trying to haul the sled
The losing Contenders
Contenders, Ep2 Tribal Council
Listening to Baden
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC
About to watch Matt vs. Luke
Contenders win reward! It's ... a box.
Listening to the complicated reward crate rules
Starting line, Ep3 IC
Moving the plank along
Watching Andy toss sandbags
Contenders win immunity!
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC
Listening to Sarah explain why she couldn't jump
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
Watching Andy and Harry roll balls
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 RC
Watching from the sidelines as Andy kicks a goal
Got nothing for ya, Contenders
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
Watching Andy toss more sandbags
Contenders win immunity again!
Grooming Shaun, Ep6
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 RC
Watching Shaun lose match point to Ross
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 IC
Ready to fall
Just gave Pia some info on Dave
Last dunkee standing (until Matt lets go)
Pre-swap lineup, Ep7
Reacting to the ET-less Champions
Cheers to new buffs!
The new Contenders tribe
Meeting the new tribemates
About to learn about Harry's pretend son, "Oscar"
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 IC
Watching from the sit-out bench
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 RC
Contenders win reward!
Checking out the cafe
Finally, a reward! And a confessional!
More eating
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
Chamber getting more full
Contenders win immunity!
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 RC
Watching Baden vs. Harry, from the sitout bench
Nearby as Shaun gives Daisy some key info
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 IC
Watching Ross chop
Carrying a block on a disc
Contenders try to catch up on the stacking
The losing Contenders
Trying to get in with the ex-Champ women
Not wanting to get dragged down with sinking ship Harry
Checking in with Harry
Heading to Tribal
Contenders, Ep9 Tribal Council
The four original Contenders
Shaun burns his buff, heads to the Champions
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 IC
Climbing the tower
Talking about trying to get in with the ex-Champions, Ep11
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 RC
Watching Andy vs. Ross
Starting line, Ep11 IC
Well, time to protect myself by selling out Harry
Blowing up Harry's plan to blindside the Champs
Contenders, Ep11 Tribal Council
Listening to Harry
Tenth person voted out...
Snuffed, Day 24 (Episode 11)