Carolyn Rivera - Survivor: Worlds Apart

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 39 | Wins: 0 | Final Three: 1

  • Survivor: Worlds Apart (2015) - 2nd place (tie), one jury vote.
  • Received one jury vote to tie for 2nd (6-1-1) in Episode 14, "It's A Fickle, Fickle Game" (Day 39).

  • Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance (2015) - Was part of the voting pool, but did not place within the top 10 female candidates for slots (in part because she was still active on Worlds Apart during voting).

Carolyn Rivera on social media: Instagram | twitter

Carolyn Rivera - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S30: Worlds Apart 3.80 13.80 0.28 9 5 11 0.81 2.55 1 8 0.13 1.21 7.10
Career 3.80 13.80 0.28 9 5 11 0.81 2.55 1 8 0.13 1.21 7.10


Carolyn Rivera - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Carolyn Rivera - Challenge record
Survivor 30 logo S30: Worlds Apart

Barrel Bridge - Ep11 RC

Tribal/team challenge record (6-for-13; 3 2nds):

  • Worlds Apart Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Ladder Daze" - No major solo contributions; White Collar loses on the puzzle (3rd/3).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 2 RC/IC: "Basket Case" - Swims, watches Joaquin shoot, and White Collar wins (1st/3).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Dear Liza" - Helps carry and pour, occasionally runs ahead, and White Collar doesn't lose (2nd*/3).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 4 RC: "Collar Blind" - Caller for White Collar, which just avoids being Brains-ed (2nd*/3).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 4 IC: "Houses of the Holey" - Places White Collar's second ball, they avoid losing again (2nd*/3).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 5 RC: "Beach Balls" - Now with Nagarote, launches a ball caught by the other side, and Nagarote loses big (5-2).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 5 IC: "Swing Break" - Paired with Kelly pulling the sled, lapped by Mike & Sierra, and Nagarote loses big again.
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 6 RC: "Air Raid" - Hits one target, and Nagarote wins (6-5), goes turtle-watching.
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 6 IC: "Shut Your Trap" - Wins her match vs. Rodney, and Nagarote wins.
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 9 RC: "O-Black Water" - With Will, Jenn, Joe & Rodney, can't rope the rings, loses.
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 11 RC: "Barrel Bridge" - Part of the winning team, with Tyler, Dan, and Will.
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 12 RC: "Dulcimer Stomp" - Part of the winning team, with Mike and Sierra.
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 13 RC: "For-Word Progress" - After 1 hr, solves the puzzle for the winning team, with Mike & Will.


Back Splash - Ep12 IC

Individual challenge record (2-for-11): (Mean % finish: 55.6%)

  • Worlds Apart Ep.7 IC: "Get A Grip" - Last to drop out, circa 55 minutes (2nd/12).
  • Worlds Apart Ep.8 RC: "Anchorman" - Only collected one bag, does not win (tie-10th/11).
  • Worlds Apart Ep.8 IC: "Hip to be Square" - Sixth to reach the final puzzle, does not win (6th/11).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 9 IC: "Keep on your Toes" - First person to drop out (10th/10).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 10 IC: "Soul to Squeeze" - Places two out of six balls (tie-3rd/9).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 11 IC: "Water Weight" - Outlasts three men, and both women, and Carolyn wins! (1st/3).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 12 IC: "Back Splash" - Outlasts everyone, and Carolyn wins her second straight (1st/7).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 13 IC: "Puppet Master" - Still trying to snag her last bag when Mike wins (tie-5th/6).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 14 RC: "The Home Stretch" - As her husband watches, moving tiles when Mike wins (tie-3rd/5).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 14 F5 IC: "Going Blind" - Collects one necklace (tie-4th/5).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 14 F4 IC: "Final Four-Titude" - Nearly catches up to Mike on the final puzzle (2nd/4).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • Worlds Apart: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 6
2nd place: 3
Played: 13
Win%: 0.58
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 2
Played: 11
Win%: 0.18
Mean% Finish: 55.6%
Hero challenges/duels
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Mean% Finish: -
Carolyn Rivera - Tribal Council record
Survivor 30 logo  S30: Worlds Apart

Ep13 Tribal Council

Idols held/played: (1/1; 5 votes voided)

  • Worlds Apart, Ep. 1: After suspecting So and Joaquin received an idol clue, observes So searching in trees, and looks for herself, finding Masaya's idol (Day 2).
  • Worlds Apart, Ep. 13: Successfully plays her idol for herself, canceling out five votes against (including Dan's two), saving herself from the boot.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (9/11):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 So So Kim (voted out, 4-2) Yes
Ep5 Max Max Dawson (voted out, 5-2) Yes
Ep7 Jenn Kelly Remington (idoled out, [0]-4-1) -
Ep8 Hali Hali Ford (voted out, 7-4) Yes
Ep9 Jenn Joe Anglim (voted out, 5-4-1) -
Ep10 Jenn Jenn Brown (voted out, 5-3-1) Yes
Ep11 Shirin Shirin Oskooi (voted out, 4-2-2) Yes
Ep12 Tyler Tyler Fredrickson (idoled out, [0]-3) Yes
Ep13 Dan Dan Foley (idoled out, [0]-2) Yes
Ep14 (F5) Sierra Sierra Dawn Thomas (voted out, 4-1) Yes
Ep14 (F4) Rodney Rodney Lavoie (voted out, 2-2; fire) Yes


VAP - Votes against (5):

  • Worlds Apart, Ep. 1: Two votes, from Joaquin and So.
  • Worlds Apart, Ep. 10: One vote, from Jenn.
  • [Worlds Apart, Ep. 13: Five votes, from Dan, Dan (extra vote), Will, Rodney, and Sierra. All voided by her idol.]
  • Worlds Apart, Ep. 14: Two votes, from Rodney and Will (but won the tie-breaker).


Jury votes received (1/8):

  • Worlds Apart, Ep. 14: Received one vote, from Sierra Dawn Thomas (but tied for second, 6-1-1).
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Advantages held/played: 0/0
Idols found: 1
Idols played: 1
Votes voided: 5
Voting record
VFB: 9
Tribals: 11
VAP: 5
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: 1
Total jurors: 8
Carolyn Rivera - Pictures
Survivor 30 logo  S30: Worlds Apart image gallery
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Worlds Apart intro shot
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Worlds Apart intro shot
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    CBS pre-game interview
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Opening sequence confessional, about the corporate world preparing her for Survivor
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Masaya arrives, Day 1
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    White Collars
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Day 1 introductions in camp
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to So: 'Honest had like... a caveat'
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Yeah... not buying that
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Making an alliance with Shirin
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Trying to make fire, with Max
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    This tree looks promising...
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Reading the idol instructions
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Admiring her find, Day 2
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Not-yet-hitting the hay
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Watching Joaquin fiddle with the locks
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Watching So untying knots
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Watching Shirin struggle with the puzzle
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Now hoping Max can catch up
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Signs point to no
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Telling Tyler she has the idol
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Masaya, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Probst
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Learning So is also part of a four-person alliance
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Voting out So, Ep1
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Totally not watching Max walk around naked, Ep2
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Trying to avoid the blur
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Cheering as Joaquin sinks a shot
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    White Collar wins immunity!
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Celebratory squeezing
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Happily accepting the idol
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Shirin describe monkey sex, Ep3
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    What? Why?
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Seeing No Collars arrive without Vince, pre-Ep3 RC/IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Trying to catch up with Blue Collar
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Hooray, second place!
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Yay, White Collar gets eggs
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Complaining about Max, and possibly having to sit out the next IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Masaya discusses who will sit out, Ep4 IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Happily accepting the second-place trophy
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-swap lineup, Ep5
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    New Nagarote, Ep5 swap
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Starting line, Ep5 RC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Delighted to still be with Max and Shirin
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Arriving at the new camp
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Good times
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Watching Max and Shirin try to catch up
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Another Nagarote loss
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Politely listening to Shirin's plans
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Flipping on Max and Shirin, Ep5
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Nagarote Ep5 Tribal Council
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Bored by Max talking about One World
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Not a fan of Max's Hold Up, Bro reference
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Nope, not planning to re-align with Shirin, early Ep6
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 RC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Cheering a successful shot by Jenn
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    New Nagarote wins reward!
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    More celebrating
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Reward feasting
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    More eating
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Facing off against Rodney
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Winning her match vs. Rodney
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Nagarote wins immunity!
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Nagarote arrives, Ep7 merge
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to the official merge treemail
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Black buffs! How original!
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Merge feasting
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Talking about the merge
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    More eating
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Liking the sound of Rodney and Will's alliance
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Also including Kelly (not shown)
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Still going...
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Down to Carolyn vs. Joe
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    ...and done. Second place.
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Merica, Ep7 Tribal Council
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    With the other former White Collars
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 RC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Watching the final puzzle stage
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Hoping Joe picks her to tag along (he does)
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Happy about the ziplining and reward feast
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Nothing to see here, move along
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Back at camp, discussing boot options in the wake of Joe's IC win
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Merica, Ep8 Tribal Council
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Mike
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 RC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Watching Jenn trying to retrieve rings
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Now watching Joe
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    ...and done
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Watching as Tyler wins
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Heading to Tribal
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Merica, Ep9 Tribal Council
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Watching Mike play Joe's fake idol
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Ready to go, Ep10 auction
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Shirin explain that all letters can be bought for the highest bid price
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    All in for the advantage rock draw
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Shirin raises her hand to oppose Will
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Already trying to catch up to Mike, Ep10 IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Watching Mike accept his necklace
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Merica, Ep10 Tribal Council
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Rodney yell at Mike
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    So long, Jenn
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 RC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Probst
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Liking the sound of the reward
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Making slow and steady progress
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Getting closer
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Almost there...
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Red team wins!
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Ready for some cheeseburgers
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Celebrating the win, shipboard
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    They can haz cheeseburger
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Helping keep Dan turned against Mike
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    *Two* immunity necklaces?
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Starting line
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    So far so good
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Holding on
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Down to Carolyn vs. Shirin
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Carolyn wins immunity!
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Getting a necklace
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Safe at Tribal Council tonight
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Happy to have immunity
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Synchronized necklacing
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Merica, Ep11 Tribal Council
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Tyler
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Mike flaunt his idol
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Sorry, Shirin, he's not playing it tonight
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Returning to camp, early Ep12
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Discussing who voted for Dan
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Reading the Ep12 RC treemail
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 RC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Red team, ready to go
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Working the ladder puzzle
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Watching Mike work the catapult
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Red team wins!
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Not swapping out for Rodney, sorry
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Eating at the orphanage
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Best reward ever
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Enjoying a show
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Not offering her idol to Tyler at this juncture
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Starting line
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Ep12 IC, now in progress
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Holding on
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Down to three
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Carolyn wins immunity!
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Getting necklaced again
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Yay, immunity
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Proposing a vote split
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Don't worry, Tyler. What could go wrong?
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Necklacing up, heading to Tribal
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Merica, Ep12 Tribal Council
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Mike
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Watching Mike celebrate his successful idol play
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Consulting with Mike, early Ep13
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Telling Mike how Dan's advantage works
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep13 RC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Probst
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Red team, starting line
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Opening the gate
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Starting work on the puzzle
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Still going
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Finally got it!
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Nope, not swapping out for Rodney this time, either
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Getting delivered to the feast location by helicopter
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Reading the Ep13 IC treemail
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep13 IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Starting line
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Still trying to collect the bags
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Yay, Mike won again
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Mike points out that Dan & Rodney are napping, not scrambling, so one of Carolyn/Sierra is the target
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Mike makes a good point
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Merica, Ep13 Tribal Council
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Probst
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Sierra
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Finally playing her idol, to thwart Dan's advantage
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Playing it for myself, Jeff
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Does not count...
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pleased that it worked, early Ep14
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Hey, you guys all voted for me. What's up with that?
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep14 RC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    The loved ones are here!
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    With her husband, Joel
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Starting line, Ep14 RC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Sliding tiles
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Mike already has a lead
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Getting the tiles to the puzzle table
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Still moving the tiles as Mike wins
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    One last hug
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Final 5 IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Probst
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Not liking the sound of being blindfolded
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Ready to go
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Starting line
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Collecting a medallion
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    ...and Mike wins again
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Great. Mike won.
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Talking to Mike and Sierra
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Final five Tribal Council
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Listening to Will
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Final Four IC
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Starting line
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Reached the top, first time up
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Traversing the obstacle to collect a bag
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    So. Many. Stairs.
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Made it close, but Mike wins again
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Kicking the stupid bag
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Learning that Mike wants to force a 2-2 tie
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Time to practice making fire
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Final four Tribal Council
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Ready to break a tie. Or a flint. Whichever comes first.
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    *Deeper sigh*
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Ah, that's more like it
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Slow and steady, again
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    That's too bad, Rodney
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    More hugs
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Looking back on her game, Day 39
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Morning 39 breakfast feast
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Heading out to the final Tribal Council
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    This is it
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    What moves did I make? Tyler and Dan.
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Watching Mike apologize to Dan
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Getting a jury vote from Sierra
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Final three and jury, reassembled for the reunion
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Waiting for Probst to reveal the votes
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Mike wins one last time
  • Carolyn Rivera S30
    Full cast, reunion show
Carolyn Rivera - Interviews
Survivor 30 logo  S30: Worlds Apart

Pre-game interviews

  • Gordon Holmes at (2/9/15): "Carolyn - 'I'm Used to Being the Boss'"


Post-game interviews

  • Rob Cesternino at RHAP (5/21/15): "Worlds Apart Winner and Final Five Exit Interviews"
  • Dalton Ross at (5/21/15): "Carolyn talks about her rough night and Second Chance snub"
  • Gordon Holmes at (5/22/15): "Survivor Finalists Carolyn and Will on Dan's Edit, Mike's Choice and Shirin"
  • Steve Helling at (5/22/15): "The Survivor: Worlds Apart Runners-Up Tell All: 'We Were So Close!'"
  • Josh Wigler at (5/26/15): "Carolyn Rivera Reveals Why She Was 'Shocked' by the Survivor: Worlds Apart Finale"
Carolyn Rivera - Bio
Survivor 30 logo  S30: Worlds Apart

From her official CBS Survivor: Worlds Apart cast bio page:

"Personal Claim to Fame: Maintaining a 36-year relationship with my husband, raising three successful kids, and getting my master’s degree while working full-time. I have also been able to mentor others and guide them to complete their education.

Inspiration in Life: Hilary Clinton- I think she represents women well. She is strong and she fights for good causes. She handled adversity well and was able to keep her family together through difficult times. She is a role model, strong willed, highly competitive, inspiring, influential and assertive. She is the ultimate survivor!

Hobbies: Sports, karaoke and shopping.

What is your favorite sport? Softball would be my favorite. I played in college and throughout my adult life. I also love volleyball and soccer. I work out every day and love to challenge myself by doing Tough Mudders.

Pet Peeves: I hate to be lied to (so this should be interesting on Survivor). Do what you say you are going to do. If something is wrong, you need to tell me because I can’t read your mind. Don’t ask the question if you are not ready for the answer!

3 Words to Describe You: Competitive, funny and passionate.

If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why? 1. An iPod with 39 days of battery life. I listen to music to get pumped up before sporting events. 2. Warm clothes because I hate being cold. 3. Picture of my family because I know I would be thinking of them throughout my adventure. (See? New Yorkers do have a sweet side!)

Survivor Contestant You Are Most Like: I want to play like Sandra because she is two for two. I also loved Denise because she was smart, in good shape and used her psychology background to help her. She was able to hang with Malcolm and the older crowd. I am going to play like that.

Reason for Being on Survivor: My primary motivation for being on Survivor is for the adventure of a lifetime! It is my dream. Every time I watch an episode I picture myself in the situation and I know I can win. I am also motivated by money so the prize is very attractive. And then I will have a new favorite topic for dinner conversations!

Why You’ll “Survive” Survivor: I got the athletic game, no problem. I do not take crap from people (yeah, New Yorker). I have a positive attitude, I’m very enthusiastic and I can influence people. I have worked with all kinds of people at all levels and cultures. I am certified in Myers Briggs and I teach leadership skills. I am also funny so people will gravitate to me (as long as you don’t piss me off!).

Why Will You Be the Sole Survivor: Survivor is about 3 things. You have to be athletic, strategic and build relationships. This game was made for me. I push myself to do things. I am highly competitive and I know how to influence others. But I do need to keep my Queen’s attitude in check. You have to be a leader and know when to make the big move. And look, I am a New Yorker and good TV! A true winner for all!"