- Individual challenges: This week, we return to Mean % finish in individual challenges, and get the worst possible example with which to demonstrate it, because in "House of Cards" (or in puzzles), everyone who doesn't win is tied for second place, because as we saw, no stack can safely be called "almost finished" if it can fall over at any time. Also, since everyone competed in the opening RC, all already have some prior individual challenge experience, which is why Matt's MPF is not at 100%, for example.
- Lisa's vote steal, Arun's no vote: Despite the name, the Tribal Council Appearance (TCA) stat tracks the number of times a contestant has voted. So Lisa gets 2 TCA, Arun zero. Lisa also receives 2 VFB, for correctly using both votes on Arun.
Vote count:
- Arun received 5 votes, from Adam, Lisa, Lisa (using Arun's vote), Matt, and Renee (voted out, 5-3-2).
- Dave received 3 votes, from Brad, Tara, and Tess.
- Lisa received 2 votes, from Dave and Eve.