Survivor 9 Spoilers... and other crappy things the True Dork Times offers to slake your Survivor: Vanuatu thirst
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Episode 7
"Anger, Threats, Tears ... & Coffee"

Filmed July 13-15, 2004
Airs October 28, 2004

Click below for:
RC speculation
IC speculation
Boot speculation
Video resources
Ep7 promo vidcaps
CBS Ep7 web promo


Episode descriptions
CBS: - One member's lack of work ethic prompts negative reactions in the tribe.
- After winning a hard-fought Challenge, one tribe is rewarded with more than just sustenance.
- One Survivor, in danger of being voted off, wins a Challenge for the tribe, thus buying more time on the island.
- A potential target at Tribal Council, one Survivor tries to convince the rest that another tribemate should be next to go.
CBS Ep7 TV and web promos/ Click on thumbnails to view larger picture
CBS Ep7 web promo
Uploaded October 22, 2004

Voiceover: Rory survived Tribal Council
Rory (confessional): This morning I was particularly thankful
Voiceover: Thursday, on TV's most-watched reality show...
Rory: Eliza over me?
Voiceover: ... if the women turn on him, he vows revenge
Rory (confessional): If I get voted off this island, Yasur tribe will burn!
Voiceover: And, is the all-male alliance crumbling?
Chad (confessional): How can you sit there, while everyone else is working? John, I don't trust
Voiceover: Plus, why do these challenges lead to joy...
Lopevi (RC): Yeah!
Voiceover: ... and sadness?
Ami (crying): I'm having a rough one.


Post-Ep6 TV preview
Aired October 21, 2004

Probst: Next time on... Survivor
Julie: I just think the guys are going to shaft us
Probst: Julie and Twila conspire
Julie: (fake laugh) but... little do they know (Mr. Burns finger twiddling)
Probst: And Rory tries to break into the women's alliance
Rory: I don't know the men! I know you guys a lot better than I know them!
Ami: You're definitely in a rough spot right now
Rory (confessional): If I get voted off this island, the Yasur tribe will burn!


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