Pre-Episode 14: Jury jeopardy - HvHvH
Published: December 18, 2017
The True Dork Times writers (Ben Martell, Dan Otsuki, Pat Ferrucci, and Jeff Pitman) combine their predictive powers to forecast the voting preferences of the Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers jurors, with an eye to predicting the winner. And, of course, beating Inside Survivor, A Tribe of One, Purple Rock Podcast, and the RHAP bloggers at the same game.
Episode 12: The bad play paradox
Published: December 12, 2017
Ben shares some parting thoughts on Lauren and on that marble challenge, then explores whether having a suboptimal social game in fact provides the best path to winning. Along with some final predictions for Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers.
Episodes 10-11: The man in black
Published: December 5, 2017
Ben identifies Devon's and Ben's literary antecedents, dissects the double-episode's various strategic moves, evaluates the new power three, then power-ranks the remaining seven contents in Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers.
Episode 9: When editing goes bad
Published: November 28, 2017
Ben takes issue with Survivor's editing choices, such as completely omitting Mike's fake idol play at Tribal Council, apparently in favor of necessary exposition of new advantages. He then explores Devon's alleged winner's edit, asks if anyone played well, and tries to predict the upcoming double-episode's two boots.
Episode 8: Threatening women
Published: November 21, 2017
Ben argues that, rather than seeing Desi's ouster as evidence of Chrissy feeling threatened, it's more accurate that Chrissy rightly identified Desi (and Ali, and Roark) as a long-term threat in the game. Also, a look at Lauren's advantage, and whether Joe was the correct target.
Episode 7: Edit vs. reality
Published: November 14, 2017
Following the merge, Ben attempts to separate audience reactions based on editing from the likely reality of the game itself, with particular emphasis on Chrissy's gameplay, Ben's alleged swing-vote status, the decision to target Jessica, and more.
Episode 6: Compelling characters
Published: November 7, 2017
Ben re-examines Ryan's move against Ali (and Roark), then delves at length into what makes a compelling Survivor character, and why their relative prevalence this season is helping Ben enjoy Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers.
Episode 5: The long game
Published: October 31, 2017
Ben examines whether Roark was swap-screwed, whether Ryan's move was a good one for his long game, whether Ali has allies, whether Chrissy's social game is consistent, and more.
Episode 4: How to recognize advantages
Published: October 24, 2017
Ben praises a successful swap, and boldly predicts which tribe might be the big loser from it (hint: anti-Matsing), the fate of an idol mind, and the future success of a dork alliance, a disadvantaged voter, and someone fishing for allies.
Episode 3: Good moves, variable timing
Published: October 18, 2017
Ben examines how timing affects the success of Survivor moves, with some good (Ali), and some bad (Cole), and some more good (the upcoming swap) on display in Episode 3 of Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers.
Episode 2: Have we found the final two?
Published: October 10, 2017
Ben takes a quick look at the departed Simone's game, ponders the significance of the Ben-Chrissy pairing, examines Joe's gameplay, and praises Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers' apparent return to editing form.
Episode 1: Heroes v. Healers v. Losers
Published: October 1, 2017
Ben takes stock of the state of the strategic metagame entering the season premiere of Survivor: HHH, then looks in-depth at the Heroes, Healers, and Hustlers tribes, and the Super Idol, plus a few odds and ends.
Pre-season: TDT Survivor: HHH contestant draft
Published: September 22, 2017
Ben Martell, Dan Otsuki, Pat Ferrucci, and Jeff Pitman come together to rank and draft fantasy teams of the contestants from Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers. Who will reign supreme?
By day, Ben Martell is a public commercial lawyer from New Zealand.
By night, he moonlights as a self-described Survivor 'expert'.
By day or night, find him on twitter at: @golden8284
Other The Golden Ticket editions:
Survivor: Edge of Extinction | Survivor: David vs. Goliath | Survivor: Ghost Island | Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers | Survivor NZ: Nicaragua | Survivor: Game Changers
See also: The full True Dork Times index of past seasons.