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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 3: "That Girl Is Like A Virus" Filmed: August 15-16?, 2009
Airdate: February 25, 2010
Episode 3: No RC | HII | RC/IC | Boot | Summary | Future Challenges
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 3 detailed boot spoiler/speculation summary
tribal councilContinuing with the boot order that was spoiled during the summer/early fall of 2009, the decimation of the Heroes tribe continues. We think this was first reported by survivrcuz, and later confirmed and nailed down as the third boot by SurvivorsUnite. Regardless, the third boot appears to be Randy.

    As for supporting details, survivrcuz states that "Randys doom came at the hands of russell who hid the machete and blamed it on randy. Randy being sarcastic made it worse by exagerrating the story, without the machete the villians will be miserable for days! Randy goes home first!!!!!!" Although missyae illuminatingly argues "The story about Randy leaving over a machette is not quite right." What's not right is not, of course, clear.

   Update from DanieuBleau at SurvivorSkills: "I have some Sourced Spoilage on this situation from a past tried, and true, and it goes like this...
   Albeit whatever edit we may see Villainizing Russell, come to find out, the machete incident only happened just before they were headed out to TC, maybe a half hour, give or take a few, and Randy was the target of the six way before machetegate even happened. (The six: Courtney, Sandra, Rob, Russell, Parvati and Danielle.)
    LoL, so it really wasn't the Russo Sab-O-Tage-O that did Randy in, it was already a done deal!"

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