Vol. V, No. 2
April, 2004
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24 Crap
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Hide the kids, lock up the dog, and plaster the walls with garbage bags, it's...
By Crappy the Smart-Assed Toilet
True Dork Times Mascot and Craven Attempt to Appeal to the Lowest Common Denominator
 This month, the crap that clogs my pipes is: General crap
Now featuring our handy key to what it all means:




Pure. Evil.

Sucks, totally


Al Franken launches the liberal Air America radio network

    Yeah, we get it, we get it. Talk radio is completely the domain of right-wing demagogues like Hannity and Limbaugh, and liberals need to fight back. Fine. And while Franken's continued efforts to bait Bill O'Reilly are highly entertaining in and of themselves, are they really enough to fill hours of airspace daily?
    Not to mention that one of the net's anchors, Randi Rhodes, is an ample demonstration that left-wing talking heads can be just as idiotic and unlistenable as the Rushes of the world. For example, shouting down Ralph Nader over and over, until he eventually hangs up, in a phone "interview." Now, we think Nader's a self-aggrandizing mediawhore as much as the next person does, but what did this retarded stunt accomplish, exactly? Increasing the decibel level of your point doesn't make it any more valid.
    And who was the marketing genius who came up with the name, Air America? We can think of about five amusing variations on that, just off the top of our heads.
People, some of them apparently with functioning brain cells, are still watching American Idol

    Now, keep in mind, our viewing of this drivel has been limited to their painful montages of the night's events as we impatiently wait for 24 to start. But really, that's way more than enough. Really, why would anyone willingly sit through more than two seconds of Jon Peter Lewis or John Stevens mumbling their comatose way, sometimes off-key, through the hits of Elton John? Even their family members probably need to be physically restrained for that, not to mention having their eyelids forcibly opened, A Clockwork Orange-style. Between this crap and Fox News, Rupert Murdoch is creating a nation of sheep. Sheep, we tell you!
    And as we close, someone really oughta take a stick and knock that Seacrest, Out.

Every baseball pundit is picking the Cubs or the Red Sox this year
Well, okay, we can see the Red Sox. But while it's all well and good the Cubs got a shiny, factory-refurbished Greg Maddux to add to their staff, they still don't have any hitters, except on the days Kerry Wood pitches.
Mark Burnett is now producing every show on network TV

Come on, weren't two seasons of Survivor each year punishment enough? Oh well, at least this must mean the end is near. Or at least the backlash. One of the two.

Freaks and Geeks is out on DVD

Where have you gone, Judd Apatow? Oh yeah, probably competing on a Burnett show.

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