Pat Cusack - Survivor: David vs. Goliath

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 3 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 0

Pat Cusack on social media: twitter | Instagram

Pat Cusack - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S37: David vs. Goliath 0.00 0.10 0.00 - - - - - - - - -1.00 0.00
Career 0.00 0.10 0.00 - - - - - - - - -1.00 0.00


Pat Cusack - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Pat Cusack - Challenge record
Survivor 37 logo  S37: David vs. Goliath

Ep1 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (0-for-1):

  • David vs. Goliath Ep. 1 IC: "Matchbox 25" - Crosses the obstacles, hauls tiles, but the Davids lose.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • David vs. Goliath: None.


Redemption/Exile Island duel record (0-for-0):

  • David vs. Goliath: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 1
Win%: 0.00
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -
Pat Cusack - Tribal Council record
Survivor 37 logo  S37: David vs. Goliath

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • David vs. Goliath: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (0/0):

  • David vs. Goliath: None, Pat was removed from the game between the IC and Tribal Council.


VAP - Votes against (5):

  • David vs. Goliath: None.


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • David vs. Goliath: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Advantages held/played: 0/0
Idols found: 0
Idols played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 0
Tribals: 0
VAP: -
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: -
Pat Cusack - Pictures
Survivor 37 logo  S37: David vs. Goliath
  • Pat Cusack S37
    David vs. Goliath intro shot
  • Pat Cusack S37
    David vs. Goliath intro shot
  • Pat Cusack S37
    CBS pre-game interview
  • Pat Cusack S37
    On the boat, Day 1
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Opening sequence confessional about his blue-collar background
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Greeting Jeff Probst
  • Pat Cusack S37
    David tribe, pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 RC
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Listening to Lursa
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Watching the Ep1 RC
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Go Davids!
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Davids win reward!
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Amused at Christian's algorithm programming
  • Pat Cusack S37
    David tribe meet-and-greet, Day 1
  • Pat Cusack S37
    With Carl, complaining about Nick
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Starting line
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Opening melee
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Carrying tiles
  • Pat Cusack S37
    More tile management
  • Pat Cusack S37
    The losing Davids
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Talking to Probst about losing an artery, but the heart will go on
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Getting medical attention
  • Pat Cusack S37
    Begging to stay
  • Pat Cusack S37
    The Davids say goodbye
Pat Cusack - Interviews
Survivor 37 logo  S37: David vs. Goliath

Pre-game interviews


Post-game interviews

  • Josh Wigler at RHAP (9/27/18): "First One Out: The Storm | The End"
  • Dalton Ross at (9/27/18): "Evacuated Pat Cusack says Survivor boat accident 'still haunts me'"
  • Gordon Holmes at (9/27/18): "Pat: 'I Don't Have a Memory of It Happening... I Woke Up on the Heli'"
  • Mike Bloom at (9/27/18): "Pat Cusack on Heartbreak and Back Pain"
  • Rob Cesternino at RHAP (9/27/18): "Exit Interview | First Player Out from David vs. Goliath"
Pat Cusack - Bio
Survivor 37 logo  S37: David vs. Goliath

Official CBS David vs. Goliath bio excerpts (9/5/18):

"Pet peeves: Cracking my knuckles.

Who or what is your inspiration in life? My dad is my hero. He worked two jobs when we were young to support a family of six, while my mother was confined to a hospital bed from an accident.

If you could have three things on the island, what would they be and why? A picture of my wife and kids. They are what make me tick. That's all I need. They are my everyday motivation.

Which Survivor contestant are you most like? Cochran because he is a chameleon, like me. Hatch because he's a true-to-life person.

What's your reason for being on Survivor? My primary reason is obviously a million dollars, but being a young parent of three, the excitement of a tropical paradise is a thing I've never experienced. I've never really ever left New York state."