James Clement - Survivor: China, Survivor: Micronesia, Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains

Seasons: 3 | Days played: 76 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 2

  • Survivor 15: China(2007) - 7th place, 10th out - 4th juror.
  • Voted out in Episode 10, "Ready to Bite the Apple" (Day 30).

James Clement on social media: facebook

James Clement - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S15: China 1.27 7.30 0.17 4 9 6 0.63 1.44 - - - 0.81 2.70
S16: Micronesia 1.42 7.05 0.20 3 3 5 0.47 1.00 - - - 0.67 2.42
S20: HvsV 0.23 2.03 0.11 3 7 5 0.57 1.53 - - - 0.68 1.75
Career 2.92 16.38 0.18 10 19 16 0.62 1.33 - - - 0.79 2.30


James Clement - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


James Clement - Challenge record

Chinese Checkers - Ep2 RC

Tribal/team challenge record (7-for-12):

  • China Ep. 1 IC: "Dragon Dance" - Carries a pole, opens the gates, and Fei Long wins.
  • China Ep. 2 RC: "Chinese Checkers" - Scores Fei Long's winning point; Fei Long wins again.
  • China Ep. 2 IC: "Gate Crasher" - Fei Long wins against an underfed Zhan Hu once again.
  • China Ep. 3 RC: "Clear the Deck" - Fei Long men win both their heats, but Fei Long loses, 3-2.
  • China Ep. 3 IC: "Blade Runner" - Can't make up for Courtney's slow start, Fei Long loses again.
  • China Ep. 4 RC: "Great Balls of Fire" - Places winning fireball with Jean-Robert, Fei Long wins again.
  • China Ep. 4 IC: "Warrior's Duel" - Scores two points, Fei Long wins again, 4-3.
  • China Ep. 5 IC: "Plunge, Pull & Pop" - Now with Zhan Hu, who throw the challenge (and lose).
  • China Ep. 6 RC: "Search and Decode" - Gathers planks, but Zhan Hu loses again.
  • China Ep. 6 IC: "Name That Spoon" (gross food) - Eventually finishes his balut, scoring a point; Zhan Hu wins.
  • China Ep. 8 RC: "Bucket Stops Here" - Part of the winning team, with Todd, Amanda, and Jean-Robert.
  • China Ep. 9 RC: "Drum Roll" - Part of the losing team, with Todd, Peih-Gee, and Denise.


Confucius Said - Ep10 RC

Individual challenge record (0-for-5; 1 sit-out): (Mean % finish: 63.3%)

  • China Ep. 7 IC: "Retention to Detail" - One of four people eliminated on the first question (tie-7th/10).
  • China Ep. 8 IC: "Dragon Rider" - Third person to drop out, at circa 20 minutes (7th/9).
  • China Ep. 9 IC: "Take A Stab At It"- One of four to sit out and eat, instead of compete (tie-8th/8).
  • China Ep. 10 RC: "Confucius Said" - Gets 4/5 questions right, but doesn't win (tie-2nd/7).
  • China Ep. 10 IC: "Star Struck" - Hits two threes in the first round, but no points in the second (tie-3rd/7).


Hero challenge/ duel record: (0-for-0)

  • China: None.

United We Stand - Ep6 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (10-for-14):

  • Micronesia Ep.1 RC/IC: "Reinventing the Wheel" - Pushes the cart for Malakal, Malakal loses.
  • Micronesia Ep.2 RC/IC: "Smash and Grab" - Works the keys for Malakal, and Malakal wins.
  • Micronesia Ep.3 RC: "Beach Bash" - Drags people around, Malakal wins.
  • Micronesia Ep.3 IC: "Nut Bucket" - Holds the ropes for the Malakal basket, but Malakal loses.
  • Micronesia Ep.4 RC: "Diver Down" - Comes up with the puzzle solution, and Malakal wins (thanks, Ozzy).
  • Micronesia Ep.4 IC: "Crosswalk" - One of Malakal's six walkers/necklace retrievers. Malakal wins.
  • Micronesia Ep.5 RC: "Cat and Mouse" - Tethered to Jason, loses a point to Ami/Amanda, but Airai wins, 3-2.
  • Micronesia Ep.5 IC: "A Stone's Throw" - Half-breaks two tiles, but Airai wins again.
  • Micronesia Ep.6 RC: "Build It Up, Break It Down" - Airai is speedy; Airai wins.
  • Micronesia Ep.6 IC: "United We Stand" - Innovates by carrying Eliza and Parvati on single poles; Airai wins easily.
  • Micronesia Ep. 7 RC: "Money Roll" - Helps roll the big stone, works puzzle; somehow, Airai loses.
  • Micronesia Ep. 7 IC: "What-er Drag" - Turns the crank; Airai wins.
  • Micronesia Ep.8 RC/IC: "The Gauntlet" - Swings bags; Airai wins one last time.
  • Micronesia Ep.10 RC: "Bai Bai" - Part of the losing team.


Pool Party - Ep11 IC

Individual challenge record (0-for-5): (Mean % finish: 62.2%)

  • Micronesia Ep.1 Individual IC: Does not find Malakal's necklace/idol thing.
  • Micronesia Ep. 9 IC: "Last Gasp" - Eighth person to drop out, after an hour (3rd/10).
  • Micronesia Ep. 10 IC: "When It Rains, It Pours" - Fifth person to drop out, just under an hour (5th/9).
  • Micronesia Ep. 11 IC: "Pool Party" - Makes it to final round, but loses to Erik (2nd/8).
  • Micronesia Ep. 12 RC: "Body Slam" - Third person eliminated (5th/7).


Hero challenge/ duel record: (0-for-0)

  • Micronesia: None.

Schmergen Brawl - Ep5 RC

Tribal/team challenge record (2-for-8):

  • Heroes vs. Villains Ep. 1 RC: "Battle Dig" - With Rupert, scores winning point vs. Tyson & Rob; Heroes win.
  • Heroes vs. Villains Ep. 1 IC: "Lock and Load, Light" - Part of the Heroes' paddling team, but Heroes lose.
  • Heroes vs. Villains Ep. 2 RC/IC: "A Crate Idea" - Heroes don't follow One Voice, lose.
  • Heroes vs. Villains Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Sumo'an Mud" - Easily beats Randy, Heroes win luxury items, coffee.
  • Heroes vs. Villains Ep. 4 RC: "Slip, Slide & Score" - Scores a point vs. Sandra, but the Heroes lose.
  • Heroes vs. Villains Ep. 4 IC: "Roll With It" - Blindfolded ball roller, but the Heroes lose again.
  • Heroes vs. Villains Ep. 5 RC: "Schmergen Brawl" - Injures his knee early on, and the Heroes lose.
  • Heroes vs. Villains Ep. 5 IC: "Blind Cube Crisis" - Caller for the Heroes, Heroes lose on the puzzle.


Individual challenge record (0-for-1): (Mean % Finish: 25.0%)

  • Heroes vs. Villains Ep. 6 RC: "Rope-A-Dope" - Tied with Colby for last place in the immunity portion (tie-5th/6).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • Heroes vs. Villains: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 19
Played: 34
Win%: 0.56
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Sat out: 11
Sat out: 1
Win%: 0.00
Mean % Finish: 48.8%
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -


James Clement - Tribal Council record

Ep10 Tribal Council

Idols held/played: (2/0)

  • China, Ep. 6: Receives the Fei Long idol (and instructions on finding its Zhan Hu twin) from Todd (Day 17).
  • China, Ep. 7: Finds the Zhan Hu idol, giving him two total - one found, one held (Day 19).
  • China, Ep. 10: Voted out while holding both idols, neither of which he played.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (4/6):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep3 Leslie Leslie Nease (voted out, 6-2) Yes
Ep5 Peih-Gee Aaron Reisberger (voted out, 3-1-1) -
Ep7 Jaime Jaime Dugan (voted out, 7-3) Yes
Ep8 Jean-Robert Jean-Robert Bellande (voted out, 5-3-1) Yes
Ep9 Frosti 'Frosti' Zernow (voted out, 7-1) Yes
Ep10 Peih-Gee James Clement (voted out, 5-1-1) -


VAP - Votes against (9):

  • China, Ep. 5: One vote, from Aaron.
  • China, Ep. 8: Three votes, from Peih-Gee, Erik, and Jean-Robert.
  • China, Ep. 5: Five votes, from Todd, Courtney, Amanda, Denise, and Erik (voted out, 5-1-1).


Jury votes made (1/1):

  • China, Ep. 13: Voted for Todd Herzog, who won (4-2-1).

Ep10 Tribal Council

Idols held/played: (0/0)

  • Micronesia: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (3/5):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 Fairplay Jonny Fairplay (voted out, 9-1) Yes
Ep3 Yau-Man Yau-Man Chan (voted out, 6-2-1) Yes
Ep9 Eliza Eliza Orlins (voted out, 8-2) Yes
Ep10 Jason Ozzy Lusth (voted out, 5-4) -
Ep11 Parvati Jason Siska (voted out, 4-3-1) -


VAP - Votes against (3):

  • Micronesia, Ep. 11: Three votes, from Natalie, Alexis, and Jason.


Jury votes made (0/1):

  • Micronesia, Ep. 14: Voted for Amanda Kimmel, who finished second (5-3).

Ep2 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • Heroes vs. Villains: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (3/5):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 Sugar Sugar Kiper (voted out, 9-1) Yes
Ep2 Stephenie Stephenie LaGrossa (voted out, 6-3) Yes
Ep4 Colby Cirie Fields (idoled out, [0]-3-2) -
Ep5 Tom Tom Westman (voted out, 5-2) Yes
Ep6 Colby James Clement (voted out, 5-1) -


VAP - Votes against (7):

  • Heroes vs. Villains, Ep. 5: Two votes, from Colby and Tom.
  • Heroes vs. Villains, Ep. 6: Five votes, from Colby, Rupert, Candice, Amanda, and J.T. (voted out, 5-1).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • Heroes vs. Villains: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Idols held: 2
Idols played: 0
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 10
Tribals: 19
VAP: 16
Jury votes
Made: 2
For winners: 1
Received: -


James Clement - Pictures
  • James Clement S15
    China intro shot
  • James Clement S15
    China intro shot
  • James Clement S15
    Bonus China intro shot
  • James Clement S15
    CBS pre-game interview
  • James Clement S15
    Day 1, hiking to the train
  • James Clement S15
    On the truck
  • James Clement S15
    Post-temple chat with Probst
  • James Clement S15
    The game has begun, Day 1
  • James Clement S15
    Fei Long heads to camp
  • James Clement S15
    Fei Long!
  • James Clement S15
    Yeah, maybe I work too much
  • James Clement S15
    Talking with Leslie
  • James Clement S15
    I need to be a little more social
  • James Clement S15
    Collecting treemail with Todd
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • James Clement S15
    Starting line
  • James Clement S15
    Fei Long leading
  • James Clement S15
    Leaping ahead of Frosti
  • James Clement S15
    Fei Long wins!
  • James Clement S15
    Idoled up
  • James Clement S15
    Fei Long confronts Jean-Robert about his laziness, Ep2
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC
  • James Clement S15
    Listening to Probst
  • James Clement S15
    Starting line, Round 2
  • James Clement S15
    Grappling with Frosti
  • James Clement S15
    Fei Long wins, kidnaps Jaime
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
  • James Clement S15
    Listening to Probst
  • James Clement S15
    Starting line
  • James Clement S15
    Things are going smashingly
  • James Clement S15
    Fei Long leading
  • James Clement S15
    Fei Long wins!
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC
  • James Clement S15
    Starting line
  • James Clement S15
    Not winning friends with Courtney and Todd
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 IC
  • James Clement S15
    Fei Long, Ep3 Tribal Council
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC
  • James Clement S15
    Listening to Probst
  • James Clement S15
    About to place the winning fireball
  • James Clement S15
    Not enjoying super-huggy Dave
  • James Clement S15
    Fei Long greets the fishing family
  • James Clement S15
    Irritated at Jean-Robert giving orders
  • James Clement S15
    Reward feasting in camp
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
  • James Clement S15
    Watching Fei Long win another one
  • James Clement S15
    Appreciating Denise's work ethic, Ep5
  • James Clement S15
    Fei Long selects two Zhan Hus
  • James Clement S15
    Sigh, now I have to start over on Zhan Hu
  • James Clement S15
    So long, Fei Long
  • James Clement S15
    Arriving at the new camp
  • James Clement S15
    Swap feasting
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
  • James Clement S15
    Listening to Probst
  • James Clement S15
    Starting line
  • James Clement S15
    No, they shouldn't be resting! Why would you say that?
  • James Clement S15
    Not getting much help on the puzzle
  • James Clement S15
    Somehow, Zhan Hu lost
  • James Clement S15
    How did we lose that? They need to focus!
  • James Clement S15
    Zhan Hu, Ep5 Tribal Council
  • James Clement S15
    Listening to Jaime
  • James Clement S15
    I'm next unless something changes, Ep6
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 RC
  • James Clement S15
    Starting line
  • James Clement S15
    Working the puzzle
  • James Clement S15
    Kidnapped by Fei Long, thankfully
  • James Clement S15
    Reward tea tasting
  • James Clement S15
    Todd pledges to help save James, in exchange for the clue
  • James Clement S15
    Realizing that giving the clue to Todd is a good option
  • James Clement S15
    Back in camp, and yes
  • James Clement S15
    Just got an idol from Todd!
  • James Clement S15
    Making plans to get the second idol, and to idol out Jaime
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 IC
  • James Clement S15
    Starting line
  • James Clement S15
    Facing off vs. Denise
  • James Clement S15
    Eventually scoring a point
  • James Clement S15
    Yay, Zhan Hu won
  • James Clement S15
    Waiting to take the second idol, Ep7
  • James Clement S15
    There we go...
  • James Clement S15
    Can't stop laughing the Jaime thinks she also has one
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-merge lineup
  • James Clement S15
    Merge feast and entertainment
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge sit-down, Ep7 IC
  • James Clement S15
    Filling Todd in on the hilarity
  • James Clement S15
    Also telling Amanda
  • James Clement S15
    Hae Da Fung, Ep7 Tribal Council
  • James Clement S15
    Listening to Courtney
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 RC
  • James Clement S15
    Soaking Courtney
  • James Clement S15
    The winning yellow team
  • James Clement S15
    Touring the 1000-year-old village
  • James Clement S15
    Reward feasting
  • James Clement S15
    Amused at Jean-Robert's interest in the idol clue
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
  • James Clement S15
    Starting line
  • James Clement S15
    Outlasting Jean-Robert, at least
  • James Clement S15
    Not admitting to Jean-Robert that he has two idols
  • James Clement S15
    Todd proposes booting Jean-Robert
  • James Clement S15
    Hae Da Fung, Ep8 Tribal Council
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 RC
  • James Clement S15
    Red team, freshly picked
  • James Clement S15
    Starting line
  • James Clement S15
    Not really
  • James Clement S15
    The losing red team
  • James Clement S15
    Fighting with Peih-Gee
  • James Clement S15
    Ready to boot Peih-Gee
  • James Clement S15
    Just don't eat the damn apple!
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 IC
  • James Clement S15
    Move it along, Probst. We have cheeseburgers to eat!
  • James Clement S15
    Go Frosti or Amanda or whatever
  • James Clement S15
    Hae Da Fung, Ep9 Tribal Council
  • James Clement S15
    Listening to Amanda
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 RC
  • James Clement S15
    Listening to Probst
  • James Clement S15
    Getting one right
  • James Clement S15
    Final four preview, guys! Whoo!
  • James Clement S15
    Talking about frolicking nekkid
  • James Clement S15
    Fun times in the cave
  • James Clement S15
    Not taking Erik's offer to flip
  • James Clement S15
    Why would I go from 5 to 2?
  • James Clement S15
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 IC
  • James Clement S15
    Leaders after the first round
  • James Clement S15
    Hae Da Fung, Ep10 Tribal Council
  • James Clement S15
    Listening to Todd
  • James Clement S15
    Declining to play either of his idols
  • James Clement S15
    Tenth person voted out, and the fourth member of our jury...
  • James Clement S15
    I've made a huge mistake
  • James Clement S15
    Snuffed, Day 30 (Episode 10)
  • James Clement S16
    Micronesia intro shot
  • James Clement S16
    Micronesia intro shot
  • James Clement S16
    On the Favorites boat, Day 1
  • James Clement S16
    Talking about his first season
  • James Clement S16
    The Malakal tribe, getting buffed
  • James Clement S16
    In camp, flirting with Parvati
  • James Clement S16
    Making Jameslets?
  • James Clement S16
    Starting line, Ep1 IC
  • James Clement S16
    Hauling the cart
  • James Clement S16
    Favorites lose
  • James Clement S16
    Malakal, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • James Clement S16
    Listening to Fairplay
  • James Clement S16
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
  • James Clement S16
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • James Clement S16
    Forming a Final Three alliance with Cirie and Parvati, Ep3
  • James Clement S16
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC
  • James Clement S16
    Hoarding soggy pillows
  • James Clement S16
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 IC
  • James Clement S16
    Listening to Probst
  • James Clement S16
    Holding the line
  • James Clement S16
    Not going well...
  • James Clement S16
    The losing Malakals
  • James Clement S16
    Feeling like he has the numbers
  • James Clement S16
    Plotting to take out Yau-Man
  • James Clement S16
    Malakal, Ep3 Tribal Council
  • James Clement S16
    Listening to Penner and Cirie argue
  • James Clement S16
    Working the puzzle, Ep4 RC
  • James Clement S16
    Malakal wins!
  • James Clement S16
    Have fun at Exile, Ozzy!
  • James Clement S16
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
  • James Clement S16
    Ozzy has news, Ep5
  • James Clement S16
    Time to swap
  • James Clement S16
    The new Airai tribe
  • James Clement S16
    Surprised the Fans are still alive, their camp is so bad
  • James Clement S16
    Airai wins! Ep5 IC
  • James Clement S16
    Airai leading again, Ep6 RC
  • James Clement S16
    Airai wins! (Then immediately loses Penner)
  • James Clement S16
    Fishing lessons with Edwin and Joe
  • James Clement S16
  • James Clement S16
    Breaking the challenge, Ep6 IC
  • James Clement S16
    Airai wins again!
  • James Clement S16
    Working the puzzle, Ep7 RC
  • James Clement S16
    Seeing Kathy off
  • James Clement S16
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 IC
  • James Clement S16
    Airai wins!
  • James Clement S16
    Telling Parvati to go form an alliance with Alexis and Natalie, the day before the merge, Ep8
  • James Clement S16
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
  • James Clement S16
    Airai, about to enjoy a pizza and beer reward feast
  • James Clement S16
    Merge feasting, Ep9
  • James Clement S16
    Enjoying some fruit bat
  • James Clement S16
    It was like a juicy little rabbit!
  • James Clement S16
    Starting line, Ep9 IC
  • James Clement S16
    Down to three, still in it
  • James Clement S16
    Dabu tribe, Ep9 Tribal
  • James Clement S16
    Talking to Eliza
  • James Clement S16
    Placing symbols, Ep10 RC
  • James Clement S16
    A little irritated with Parvati
  • James Clement S16
    Starting line, Ep10 IC
  • James Clement S16
    Talking to Probst, Ep10 Tribal
  • James Clement S16
    Auction time, Ep11
  • James Clement S16
    Racing Erik, final stage, Ep11 IC
  • James Clement S16
    Final burst of speed falls just short
  • James Clement S16
    Dabu, Ep11 Tribal
  • James Clement S16
    Post-Tribal medical check on his finger, early Ep12
  • James Clement S16
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 (loved ones) RC
  • James Clement S16
    Loved ones, watching the show
  • James Clement S16
    You're popular
  • James Clement S16
    Post-challenge re-check, getting pulled from the game
  • James Clement S16
    Saying his goodbyes
  • James Clement S16
    With the jury, Final Tribal Council
  • James Clement S16
    Full cast, reunion show
  • James Clement S20
    Heroes vs. Villains intro shot
  • James Clement S20
    Heroes vs. Villains intro shot
  • James Clement S20
    Pre-season ad shot
  • James Clement S20
    Another pre-season ad
  • James Clement S20
    Flying in, with Stephenie
  • James Clement S20
    The Heroes tribe
  • James Clement S20
    Watching Medical tend to Stephenie, Ep1 RC
  • James Clement S20
    Starting line, Ep1 IC
  • James Clement S20
    Working on the puzzle boat
  • James Clement S20
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • James Clement S20
    The losing Heroes
  • James Clement S20
    Heroes, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • James Clement S20
    Listening to Sugar
  • James Clement S20
    Lifting cubes, Ep2 RC/IC
  • James Clement S20
    The losing Heroes, again
  • James Clement S20
    Heroes, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • James Clement S20
    Pre-challenge sit-down, Ep3 RC/IC
  • James Clement S20
    Muddy, victorious, arguing with Villains


James Clement - Interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • CBS pre-game interview: "I'm in the burial business. I bury people. If need be, the bad boy will come out!"
  • Probst pre-game assessment from TV Guide online (8/20/07): "He is without question the biggest guy we've had on this show. He's actually a gentle giant, a very decent guy who works extremely hard. But if you rile him up, he'll let you know what he's thinking."


Post-game interviews

Pre-game interviews


Post-game interviews

  • Eric Goldman at IGN.com (5/7/08): "Survivor: Micronesia Interview: James"
  • Rhoda Charles at TVGuide.com (5/7/08): "Survivor Castoffs James and Alexis Recount Their Downfall"

Pre-game interviews

  • Dalton Ross at EW.com (2/3/10): "Which woman is going to stab James in the back this time?"
  • Andy Dehnart at RealityBlurred (2/9/10): "James Clement: 'I've got to focus and do the whole social, networking, talking thing'"


Post-game interviews

  • Dalton Ross at EW.com (3/26/10): "James reveals how long it took him to get drunk after being voted off"
  • Gordon Holmes at MoreWhatnot.com (3/26/10): "Castaway Interview: James Clement"
  • Kate Stanhope at TVGuide.com (3/26/10): "James: Colby 'Didn't Want to Be There'"
  • Daniel Fienberg at HitFix.com (3/27/10): "James Clement talks Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains"


James Clement - Bios

From his official CBS Survivor: China bio page:

"James Clement owns a burial service and works as a gravedigger. In addition, he works security at nightclubs and weddings and bartends on the side. His hobbies include watching television and surfing the Web. He enjoys sprinting, weight-lifting and playing football.

Clement describes himself as athletically gifted, socially adaptive and physically attractive. He is proudest of carrying on the family business. He feels he'll do well because he considers himself to be physically and mentally adept, adventurous and able to adapt to new environments and situations.

Clement currently resides in Lafayette, Louisiana, with his pit bull, Brently. His birth date is March 9, 1977."

From her official CBS Survivor: Micronesia bio page (1/3/08):

(Identical to his China one, but at least there's a new pre-game interview ... now deleted. Sigh.)

From his CBS Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains bio page:

"Personal Claim To Fame: “Continuing the family business.”

Inspiration in Life: “My dad.”

Previous Finishes: China: 10th out, 4th Jury Member; Micronesia: Injured, 4th Jury Member

Favorite Past Moment: “All the challenges.”

Previous Survivor He Respects Most: Amanda Kimmel (China, Micronesia)

Previous Survivor He Respects Least: “No comment.”

Why Did He Come Back?: “To prove to myself I can get further in the game.”"