Survivor: The Amazon Spoilers
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View our smattering of info here. S3, S4, S5, S6.

Episode recaps
To help dredge up the pain. S3, S4, S5, S6.

Click here to see this week's leaders.

Episode 6
"More Than 'Meats' the Eye"

Filmed Nov. 19-21, 2002
Airs Wed., March 19, 2003

Click below for:
RC speculation
IC speculation
Boot predictions
Video resources
Ep6 promo vidcaps
CBS Ep6 web promo
CBS Ep5 videos:
's final words,
, Switch, 4, 5, IC.
Episode descriptions
CBS: Shocked by Jeanne's departure, Christy seeks answers from the tribe as to why they spared her.
Alex and Shawna's budding relationship grows to new levels, but Matthew's interest in her develops as well, as he makes a play for Shawna's affection.
Dave's strategy takes a tailspin when he learns Butch & Roger have their own ideas about who should stay and who should go.
One Survivor's performance at a Reward Challenge has an enormous impact on a tribemate, who calls it the "defining moment" of their life.
REWARD CHALLENGE/ Log rolling - Tambaqui wins

CBS's web bullets seem to indicate a Tambaqui win here, since we see Butch commenting on Christy's smile being something he'll remember for the rest of life. A defining moment, you might say. Which seems best suited to this challenge, since it highlights individual performances. Matthew seems to be doing well in this challenge in the web promo - rolling Roger off the log, and thumping his chest as Deena cheers, but it's hard to imagine Butch being so excited about Christy being happy if they lost. Furthermore, the shot of Tambaqui lined up and clapping at this challenge was taken when they were all wet, so it must have been during or after the challenge. Christy is, in fact, dancing there. Together, it seems quite likely that Tambaqui wins the RC.

RC pictures: Click thumbnails above for larger versions. Pictures below are actual size, but feel free to click if you feel it's necessary.

Watching Alex and Dave take a dive.

During the challenge, Christy is dripping wet, yet dancing in delight.

And she can't stop smiling for Butch.

IMMUNITY CHALLENGE/ Meat pinata eating - Tambaqui wins again
Not much mystery here this week. The shenanigans in Jaburu are all over the previews, so it's not shocking that the previews show what looks like a dejected Jaburu tribe after this challenge. The challenge itself appears to involve each tribe bobbing for a slab of meat hanging from a hook above them. Tambaqui's approach looks sound: smother the meat to prevent it moving, then pass it off, mouth-to-mouth. But hey, at least we get to see Deena getting smacked in the face by the swinging meat. What's next, pie fights? Regardless, looks like an easy call of Tambaqui wins.
IC pictures: Click thumbnails above for larger versions. Pictures below are actual size, but feel free to click if you feel it's necessary.

Tambaqui gets up close and personal to restrain their swinging meat.

While a sullen Jaburu looks on, all frowns.

Good thing they can wash up aferwards.

Here we go again... Alex looks vulnerable this week, from multiple fronts. First, Deena needs to boot either Alex or Shawna to regain control of her tribe's alpha female status. Given that the women are, thanks to Heidi, now at best tied at the merge, the smart move is to ditch Alex. Unless she really thinks Shawna is that unreliable. Adding weight to this supposition is:
The BostonGuy thread on EZ, in which he predicted an Alex departure in Ep5 or Ep6, via Rob's treacherous alliance with Heidi or Jenna, post-switch.
- Rob's statement in the Yahoo! Platinum footage from Ep4, in which he felt vulnerable, and worried that Alex, Dave, Butch and Roger were tight, and that he and Matthew were next on the block. Now would be the time for those two to team up and take out the threat.
- The "distraught" person featured in the TV Guide episode 7 preview makes the most sense to be a newly Alex-free Shawna.
- A tip to the True Dork Times suggests Alex got booted pre-jury. So it's either this week or next. We picked this week, except...

Snewser says it's SHAWNA, and he is, of course, right.

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