The Official True Dork Times
Profile in Heroism Award

We can think no other individual who more truly deserves this honor than's own Wes Cherry.

Wes is the creator of the "Solitaire" game included with Windows. If he hadn't devised such a truly addictive and evil product, who knows how many millions of additional man hours this country would have had access to over the past decade to spread, sprawl, and engulf the planet?  It is mind-boggling, really.

The largest effect of this catastrophic amount of wasted time is in corporate America.  In a certain law firm alone, secretaries dote over their "Solitaire" games like they were newborn babies.  Calls go unanswered, memos go untyped, all while the Three of Clubs is dutifully placed on top of the Two.  Big Oil, banking, high tech, nay, all industries overstaffed and bloated with secretarial and middle-management types, have burned away countless profits while staring at the softly flashing lights of "Solitaire."

Truly, H. Wesley Cherry IV is the Oscar Schindler of the modern age.  Destroying the evil capitalist regime from the inside while providing them with a product that they think they need.  And the spinoffs! Freecell, Golf, Klondike.  None of which would have been possible without this one man's genius.

Without Wes Cherry, California would likely be completely paved by now, we would have ridiculous laser satelittes in space, and everyone would be usings Macs.  Can you imagine the terror?  Special mention of course goes to Leslie Kuoy, for her artistic designs.

The True Dork Times is happy to take nominations for future TDT honorees.  Just send them on over to

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