E-mail your suggestions to: truedorktimes@truedorktimes.com
if you think a different strategy should be in order.
These are a few of our semi-favorite things, in no particular order.
1. The recent addition of the Motley Fools and P.J.
O'Rourke to the NPR roster
Stoking our hopes that, through years of hard work, and after massive
book sales and syndication of our columns in major magazines and newspapers
around the country, we might someday achieve our lifelong dream of getting
a low-paying public radio job dispensing our wisdom to literally hundreds
of weekly listeners.
2. Guest appearances by former Freaks and Geeks
on Undeclared
A quaintly touching weekly tradition, in a Coen Brothers-esque sort
of way (modified to fit on your screen).
3. The excessive use of split screens in 24
Almost like having a 70's flashback, without having to have been there
in the first place, take drugs or be around smelly hippies. We especially
like the redundant split screen - seeing the same action from multiple
angles. It doesn't do anything to further the plot, but it sure does
look purty.
4. Baseball Rumor
Central on ESPN.com
Sure, we don't know for sure if two teams will even exist by next season,
but it's still fun to witness the embarassing displays various teams are
making to attract free agents. Kind of like the bizarre mating ritual
of the blue-footed booby.