By Phil Thelain
True Dork Times Basketball Editor
LOS ANGELES (AGB). In the wake of the Casey Martin decision, a California District Court has stepped in to even the odds in the NBA finals between the Los Angeles Lakers and Philadelphia Seventy Sixers. Late on Monday evening, the court issued a temporary restraining order preventing the Finals to continue without the new "Sixer Friendly" rules in place.
Among the new rule changes are:
- Diminuituve Allen Iverson will be allowed to carry a step ladder
with him on court in order to allow him to shoot over Kobe Bryant and other
taller NBA players.
- Dikembe Mutombo will be allowed to bring protection with him into the lane to prevent permanent injury from Shaqille O'Neal's overwhelming size.
- At press time James Gandolfini aka "Tony Soprano" from the Sopranos, had been hired to stand underneath the boards at all times in order to "place a hit" on O'Neal, should he embarass Mutombo.
- Additionally, point gaurd Eric Snow will be allowed to use a motorized cart on fast breaks."I am going to be a little rascal on my Little Rascal!" Snow stated when he heard the decision.
The court stated "While not technically disabled, the Sixers were faced with such overwhelming odds in this case that we felt we had to step in. Otherwise it would just be ridiculous. They are like a J.V. team."
The court added in a footnote,"We just didn't want to see to see that cute little Iverson kid to get hurt."
Lakers coach Phil Jackson stated that they plan to appeal the decision. "Luckily we have great lawyers at all of our games. Tom Cruise will be handling most of the case load. Did you see him in 'A Few Good Men'.? Wow. What a great lawyer!" Other attorneys being considered by the Lakers include John Travolta, Matthew McConnaughy and Ally McBeal.