Based on the frequent charge that we are just too negative around here, we've decided to set a precedent for happy, inclusive, uniter-not-a-divider rhetoric, by compiling a list of Things Which Don't Suck.  We envisioned this is as a rapidly-changing, frequently-updated list, which takes into account our reader's suggestions.  So far, this has meant you'll be lucky to see it change more than once a month, and it currently reflects entirely our overworked staff's opinions.

E-mail your suggestions to: if you think a different strategy should be in order.

These are a few of our semi-favorite things, in no particular order.

1. Not having to hear about figure skating for another four years
Almost as giddily, all-encompassingly pleasing as not having to sit through a Presidential election for another four years.

2. The way the good guys on 24 all use Macs, and the evil ones use Windows PCs
Could this show get any more realistic?  Clearly, nobody who uses a Mac could possibly be evil.  (Okay, in the sense of full disclosure, it has come to our attention - possibly through Apple's own questionable marketing - that both Bill Clinton and George Bush use Macs... but they're the only exceptions to this rule).

3. Lance Bass of *Nsync... no space travel for you!
And on the same day Britney learned she wouldn't be on Sex and the City, after all.  Awwwwwwww.

4. Duct tape
After all these years, still the best way to attach black garbage bags to your walls and ceilings.

5. Snickers
If you're lucky, you could get to see castmembers of Survivor 5 vomiting in person!  (Editor's note: Insert joke about candy/puking/laughing at Survivor here).

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