Andy was a mere naive freshman when Deathsuite reached its triumphant-tragic apex, but he cast a large shadow nonetheless.  Some of Andy's favorite activities were retrieving mattresses from ground-floor foliage, a skill he learned from the master, Chris Schaefer.  He also greatly enjoyed waking up with his arm in makeshift casts.  He swears he knew what was going on the whole time, but we know better.  Ever an eager instigator, Andy was a contributing editor of the Harvey Mudd-centric muckraking monthly masterpiece, the Puddwhacker.

Since his Deathsuite tenure, Andy has gone on to become a powerful law-talking guy.  He has yet to master the Chewbacca defense, but we know it's just a matter of time.  His immediate plans include opening his own practice, "I Can't Believe It's a Law Firm!"  He also is the Associate Editor of the True Dork Times, when he's not busy watching Reality TV.