So, just what did Deathsuite do?  A better question is: what the hell didn't they do?  Mostly, they annoyed everyone within a three-mile radius of Harvey Mudd College.  It was a tough job, but someone had to do it.  Archaeological records indicate that the following people were at least partially responsible for some of the atrocities.  There may have been more, but we're fairly sure they'd prefer to remain anonymous.  
Dave Alves Oscar Larios
Andy Braniff Tom Lundahl
Jake Brenneise Rich Noble
Brian Brown Kenny Pawlek
Wes Cherry Jeff Pitman
Chris Chovit Andy Rasmussen
Chris Coleman Chris Schaefer
Janet Cooke Hansen Chris Slaughter
Mark Hansen Kent Suzuki
John Hastings John Vickery
Don Hoard
Deathsuite was affiliated only geographically with Scumby
Kusha Janati